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Volvo Logo Models 1995 Volvo 850

Dynamic and Passive Safety

Effective automotive safety design is composed of two distinct components - Dynamic Safety, the ability to avoid an accident, and Passive Safety, the ability to minimize injury should an accident occur.

To a significant degree Dynamic Safety is a function of handling and predictability. The 850's tuned suspension, responsive steering and 4-wheel disc, ABS braking translate into exceptional control, nimble handling and consistent performance. All 850's are designed to deliver the same sure-footed and predictable response whether executing a controlled lane change or a reflexive avoidance maneuver.

Passive Safety design takes over in the split second that an accident occurs. Another way of looking at passive safety is as effective energy management. How can a car's design dissipate the energy of a collision to protect the occupants?

A special High Strength Steel safety cage provides a rigid perimeter of occupant protection. Surrounding that rigid cage, a network of sacrificial members absorb the energy of an impact and serves as a buffer. Energy absorbing structures helps dissipate the energy of a full frontal or rear impact. Other structures exist that are designed to help absorb and redirect the impact of an "offset" frontal impact. Volvo's patented Side Impact Protection System (SIPS) provides a robust protective system designed to help absorb the energy of side impacts though structural members in the sills, floor, pillars, seats, center console, roof and doors.

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