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HotWired's Online Reader Survey

HotWired's Online Reader Survey

We need your help!

HotWired is in the process of establishing a new vision for what publications will be like in the wake of the oncoming communication and information explosion. We are positioning HotWired to be the focal point for new experiences and sources of information that will be unique to the online medium.

In order to establish ourselves and to convince others (critics and sponsors alike) of the potential of HotWired, we need to know who will be the patrons of our new publication. Your help will directly contribute to our survival and and ultimate prosperity. We are that rarity, an independent media start-up and your contribution will mean alot to us and to our mission.

Your responses will be strictly confidential and we will neither trade, give or sell them. To further convince you to help us out, we will be selecting winners at random from those that submit survey's. Prizes include 25 Wired T-Shirts and the grand prize, an NEC CD ROM drive. Thank you.

Please fill out the information below. Once you have completed it, single-click on the Submit button. Please submit entries before x.xx.94, to be considered for the drawing.

Equipment Profile

1. Who makes your computer? (Check all that apply.)

2. Which CPU(s) do you use? (Check all that apply.)

3. Which OS/GUI do you use? (Check all that apply.)

4. Do you own any of the following?

5. Who are your network provider(s)? (Check all that apply.)

6. How do you get to your Internet service provider?

7. How much do you pay per month for Internet access?

8. What do you use your computer for? (select all that apply)

9. How fast is your network connection?

10. In the last year did you buy any of the following?

Consumer Profile

11. Do you plan to purchase any of the following products for your home or your office in the next twelve months? (check all that apply)

12. Do you participate in the following?

13. Which drinks have you or household members used or served to guest in the last twelve months?

14. Travel Total trips per year
less than 5 6-10 11-20 more

Number of US Destinations per year
less than 5 6-10 11-20 more

Foreign destinations per year
less than 5 6-10 11-20 more

Thousands of miles per year
less than 5 6-10 11-20 more

Nights away from home per year
less than 5 6-10 11-20 more

Personal Profile

15. What best describes what you do?

16. Gender

17 Age

18. Highest level of eduation attained.

19. Household income

Wired Profile

20. Do you subscribe to WIRED?

21. Number of hours/week are you in front of a computer.

22. Number of times you launch your World Wide Web browser per week.

23. Any suggestions for online services to be offered by @WIRED?

24. Any suggestions for improving this questionnaire?