hide random home http://www.hotwired.com/Ren2.0/Twain/Rim/chi_industry.html (The Risc Disc Volume 2, 10/1995)

T H E  C H I  I N D U S T R Y
Alexander Besher predicts: "In the future, you will be able to order a 'Chi Burger' at Burger Guru's, or at the equally popular Buddha Burger chain of vegetarian fast-food restaurants. Chi will be an FDA-approved ingredient, and you'll find value-added chi in juices, in the dairy section, in vitamins and other pharmaceuticals, and in virtually all consumable products as well consumer wearables (i.e neckties, scarves, hats, shoulder pads on jackets, shirts, belts, suspenders, underwear, shoes etc.) Wilhelm Reich's "Orgone Box" (a chi-amplifier box that you sit in, almost like a chi-sauna) will make a comeback - and will be far healthier for you than tanning machines."

The Chinese were by no means the only civilization to identify chi as the manifestation of the etheric force in creation. Other names that chi is known by include: Ether (Aristotle), Primary Energy, Space Energy, Zero Point Energy, Gravity Field Energy, G-Field Energy, Eloptic Energy (Dr. Thomas Galen Hieronymous), Tachyon Field (Prof. G. Feinberg), Morphic Field (Dr. Rupert Sheldrake), Higgs Field (Peter W. Higgs), Neutrino Sea (Prof. Paul Adiren Maurice Dirac), Radiant Energy (Dr. T. H. Moray), Soft Electrostatics (Nikola Tesla), Orgone Energy (Wilhelm Reich), Prana (India), Ka (Egypt), Chi (China), Ki (Japan), Mumia (Paracelsus), Living Water (Viktor Schauberger), Odic Force (Baron Von Reichenbach), Animal Magnetism (Franz Mesmer), Fermi Sea (Dr. Enrico Fermi), The Force (Obi Wan Kanobi in George Lucas' movie Star Wars)

My source for this is The Aeonian Press, a San Francisco-based publisher of a bimonthly orgone energy and alternative-science publication. "These pre-atomic constructs of energy will inevitably be utilized for the green technology of tomorrow," says the publisher, Alan Okamoto. (For more information, contact: AP at 152 Central Avenue, #3, San Francisco, CA 9411. Telephone 415/626-2501.)

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