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Welcome to the Natural History Museum's World-Wide-Web Server

This server is being developed to provide information on the Museum's exhibitions and public programmes and to provide access to information about the Museum's work and its collections.

The Natural History Museum is dedicated to furthering the understanding of the natural world through its unrivalled collections, its world class exhibitions and education, and through its internationally significant programme of scientific research.

Information on this WWW server

Exhibitions and the programme of public activities.
Exhibitions, special events, seminars and adult education courses are just some of The Natural History Museum's programme of activities for the public.
Science research and collections management [inc. 7 images].
The Natural History Museum is internationally renowned for its scientific work. Today research is divided into major programmes covering both the Earth and Life sciences.
The Walter Rothschild Zoology Museum at Tring and Down House, home of Charles Darwin.
These sites of historic and scientific interest are managed by The Natural History Museum. Both are located in attractive locations close to London and are open to the public.

The Natural History Museum's internet services

You can link from here to other network services provided by the Museum:
[The Natural History Museum's Gopher Server].
The Natural History Museum's Gopher server covers a wide range of information including a search facility for the E-mail addresses of staff at the NHM.
[The Natural History Museum's Library Catalogue].
The Natural History Museum holds one of the largest collections of published material on the earth and life sciences in the world. This on-line catalogue allows you to search by author, title and keyword.

Links to other WWW information servers

Links to other external sources of information are divided into two categories: r
Links to other earth and life science information sources.
Links to general information sources and search tools.

Background to the World-Wide-Web project

[The World-Wide-Web] (WWW or W3) was first developed at CERN, where you can get a good overview of the project.
The NHM WWW server is being developed by:

Neil Thomson (N.Thomson@nhm.ac.uk) and Robert Bloomfield (R.Bloomfield@nhm.ac.uk).

with technical support from:

Sean Steppie (S.Steppie@nhm.ac.uk).