Olivetti Telemedia

What is the relationship between the Acorn Computer Group and Olivetti Telemedia?

Olivetti Telemedia is the division of Olivetti that holds 58% of the Acorn Computer Group plc.

Why has Olivetti Telemedia been created?

To enable the Olivetti Group to exploit the global information market which will develop from the convergence of computing, communications, consumer electronics and content provision.

What is Olivetti Telemedia's mission?

Olivetti Telemedia is a flexible network of associated companies which will help corporations and individuals to benefit from the intelligent usage of computing, communications, consumer electronics and content, by providing the support of state-of-the-art infra-structures.

Who are the companies in the Olivetti Telemedia network?

Company                                       Location                Share%   Owned by
--------------------------------------------  ----------------------  -------  ------------------------
Acorn Computer Group plc                      Cambridge, England         58    Olivetti
Acorn Education                               Cambridge, England        100    Acorn Computer Group plc
Applied Risc Technologies                     Cambridge, England        100    Acorn Computer Group plc
Advanced Risc Machines (ARM) Ltd              Cambridge, England         43    Acorn Computer Group plc
Advanced Telecommunication Modules (ATM) Ltd  Cambridge, England         37.5  Olivetti
Hughes Olivetti Telecom                       Milton Keynes, England     50    Olivetti
Infostrada S.p.A.                             Ivrea, Italy               67    Olivetti
Italia On Line S.p.A.                         Milan, Italy               40    Olivetti
IUNET                                         Milan, Italy               90    Olivetti
Olivetti Research Ltd                         Cambridge, England        100    Olivetti
Olivetti Starpress Europe                     Milan, Italy               50+   Olivetti
Online Media                                  Cambridge, England        100    Acorn Computer Group plc
Opera Multimedia                              Milan, Italy              100    Olivetti
Redgate Olivetti Communications               Milan, Italy               51    Olivetti
Seva S.p.A.                                   Milan, Italy               95    Olivetti
Simo S.p.A.                                   Milan, Italy              100    Olivetti
Sixtel S.p.A.                                 Milan, Italy              100    Olivetti
UK Online                                     Shepton Mallett, England   57.1  Olivetti
Veron S.p.A.                                  Milan, Italy               50+   Olivetti

What do companies bring to Olivetti Telemedia?

Systems Integration skills and experience in design and manufacture of RISC Systems
Acorn Education
Applied Risc Technologies
Online Media
Design and development of low-cost ATM based digital set-top box and services for Interactive Television
Online Media
World Wide leadership in low-cost ATM developments
Olivetti Research Ltd
Online Media
Access to designs and skills which have produced the leading consumer RISC chips
Expertise in Wired and Wireless solutions
Hughes Olivetti Telecom
Global knowledge of electronic payment systems
Veron S.p.A.
Seva S.p.A.
Products and skills to provide PBX, X25 and ATM switches and related services
Sixtel S.p.A.
Access to VSAT interconnectivity
Hughes Olivetti Telecom
Electronic publishing materials in Arts, Entertainment, Science and Music
Opera Multimedia
Distribution channels for electronic Publishing
Olivetti Star Press
Access Services for Data banks, Advertising, and Teleshopping through Internet
Italia On Line
UK Online
Interactive multimedia services for business to business communications on high speed networks
Redgate Olivetti Communications
EFT-POS Networking and Electronic messaging and Data Routing Services for Corporations
Seva S.p.A
Internet support and customised applications
Telecommunications to business customers including: data transmission, value added network services and facilities management.
Infostrada S.p.A.

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