The University

Acorn In Action


Bournemouth University, Department of Media Production.

Bournemouth University's Department of Media Production is at the forefront of technology in the field of video production. Students on the BA(Hons) Media Production degree course have been using Acorn Risc PC's since October 1994 for video editing. Bournemouth currently has 8 Risc PC's running Optima software from Eidos; during this academic year over 150 productions have been edited on the Risc PC's. Some work is played out to video tape directly from the computer, but most programmes are output as an Edit Decision List which is read by the University's two Betacam SP on-line edit suites. These then recreate the programme using the original tapes for highest quality.

The benefits the new systems have brought include much greater creative freedom, reduced editing time and, most importantly, a chance for Bournemouth's students to experience the future of television production.

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