OneWorld Online

OneWorld Online, launched publicly on 24 January 1995, has been developed by the One World Broadcasting Trust as a meeting place on the Internet where people who care about sustainable human development can exchange ideas and information.

That includes broadcasters, students, educationalists, NGO activists, researchers, government officials, business people, journalists and photographers, as well as individuals interested in global issues.

The OneWorld Online belongs to the BBC's Network Club, and we are working in alliance with the One World Group of Broadcasters. You can log on OneWorld Online via the Network Club's web site:

or directly to our own main menu page by using the URL:

The general principle of OneWorld Online is that our pages should be free to access. However, we do welcome partners whose work is very closely linked to ours, and we offer them the right to put their material on the system if they join OneWorld Online.

For details of how relevant organisations can join OneWorld Online and publish pages here, please e-mail us at:


All documents - including text, graphics, sound and video - held on this server remain the property of One World Broadcasting Trust or their partner organisations as indicated in each case. These documents may not be reproduced, stored or re-transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying or otherwise) without prior written permission from One World Broadcasting Trust or their partner organisations as indicated in each case, unless ALL of the following conditions apply:

One World Broadcasting Trust makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information held on this server or its fitness for any purpose whatsoever. In no event will One World Broadcasting Trust be liable for any direct, indirect, special incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of the information held on this server.

Copyright © One World Broadcasting Trust or relevant partner organisation as indicated in each case.

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