fully as possible and return it with your cheque to the Club Membership
Secretary at the address below.
Name ________________________________________________ Title __________________________ First Name(s) __________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Post Code ____________________ Telephone Number ______________________________ Please answer as many of the following questions as possible: Which model(s) of Acorn Archimededs or Risc PC do you own? _____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ What version of RISC OS do you use (eg 2.00, 3.00, 3.10, 3.50) ? _______________ Do you own any peripherals for you computer (eg printer, hard disc, PC card)? If so, which? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ What are your Archimedes or Risc PC interests? Please tick as many as you like: Education [ ] Music [ ] Games [ ] Comms [ ] DTP [ ] Graphics [ ] PD Software [ ] Multimedia [ ] Programming [ ] Databases [ ] Spreadsheets [ ] Pocket Book [ ] Please rate your knowledge and experience of Acorn 32 bit computers: Beginner [ ] Average [ ] Experienced [ ] Programmer [ ] How long have you been a user of Acorn computers ? ____________ years ____________ months Would you be interested in attending / organising local meetings? Yes / No May we pass your name and address on to other Club Members? Yes / NoI enclose herewith my membership donation (minimum of £12) towards the Club, for one year's membership. I understand that the Club is non-profit making, and the donation is used to pay for administrative and running costs (such as postage, materials, correspondence etc). I agree to abide by the Constitution and Byelaws of The ARM Club.
Signed ________________________________________ Date ________________________________________Please make cheques payable to "The ARM Club", and send to:
The ARM Club Membership Secretary, FREEPOST ND6573, LONDON, N12 0BR