Public Domain Library

The catalogue will be updated regularly depending on the influx of new

If anyone wants to supply new PD software (please: not typed in from
magazines etc) then I shall be delighted to add the programs to the list.

Each disc costs 1.00 pound to include postage and package.

Please send money - cheques, postal orders, first or second class stamps, 
but not cash to:

                            Nick Evans
                            The ARM Club PD Library
                            19 Woodberry Way
                            N12 OHE

Cheques and money orders should be made payable to:- The ARM Club.

Any helpful suggestions will be acted upon if at all possible.

If anyone sees a program that has slipped through the rigorous selection 
process and is not PD/Shareware then please could you let me know so that it
may be deleted.

Public Domain is still not a legal term in Britain which is why I can only 
distribute PD with the approval of the author.

Most of the software in this catalogue has been approved by the authors for 
distribution in The ARM Club library. All the authors that have their work 
contained on our discs have been written to. If you are an author whose work
is in The ARM Club library, and you have not yet received a letter, I would 
appreciate it if you would contact me at the address above for your views 
and any help that you can give, alternatively if any author is not happy 
about their PD being distributed by The ARM Club, please tell me and it will 
be removed. 

I make no claims to the suitability of any of the programs contained on any 
of the PD Discs

All programs are supplied in good faith. Most have been tested and prove to 
work as expected. However, The ARM Club PD library cannot accept liability 
for any software that contains bugs or causes any other malfunction, this is
the fault of the programmer and you should get in touch with them if at all 

Public Domain software is available to all and can be copied providing this 
is not done for a profit. If you use any of the code within these programs, 
in your own programs, that is fine as long as the original author is 
credited, and your program is not sold for a profit.

Please support the 'SHAREWARE' Authors. If you find that you are continuing 
to use a 'SHAREWARE' program on a regular basis then you should register 
with the Author. You might even get an update or a manual on how to use 
whatever program you are using.

The Trackers are compressed using Computer Concepts' Compression and the size 
quoted is the compressed size. Mix and match these to add up to 800k, but 
allow about 60k if you want to have the CfsReader application also.

I will replace free of charge discs containing errors (use *Verify).  
If this is the case, return the disc to me for an immediate replacement.

We can now offer an upgrade service for ARM Club PD/Shareware discs.
If you find that there is a later version of a program that you use then
return the old disc to The ARM Club PD Library along with stamps to the
value of 50 pence and you will be sent the latest version appearing in the
The ARM Club WWW Server /