The services on offer range from simple WWW server space to a complete design and build service for both CD-ROMs and WWW servers.
The services that can be built range from simple textual information on a WWW page to complex catalogue CD-Roms with ordering and updates done over the internet using Mosaic. In the non-commercial world we are currently developing the eCity and eCity Cafe in collaboration with the Artec and the ICA in London, showing the wide diversity of applications these new tools can encompass. We have a growing list of UK commercial customers.
Service Tariffmail for larger capacitiesSetup £50 ($75). Web forwarding (optional) £200 ($300). Up to 5 Megabytes £25 ($40) per month. Up to 10 Megabytes £50 ($75) per month. Up to 25 Megabytes £75 ($120) per month.
For Design and Build services, time is charged at £500 ($750) per day, plus VAT.
We will probably be allowing one page free of charge per Demon site and this will be announced via demon.announce when it is available.
To arrange server space or consultancy mail or call
Demon Webmasters on 0181-371-1240. referring to this page will pick up your first page which should be called:
index.htmlWe also offer a WWW forwarding service (for an extra £200 per annum) whereby the link could become run our server on a Sun four-processor HyperSparc system, running the Solaris 2.4 operating system (a version of the UNIX system). Like all UNIX systems, Solaris is case sensitive and expects the extension of your files to be .html and not .htm. All users should take care to ensure they use lower case references and/or ensure that case is correct in other references. For Web space only Customers, you are required to provide your files in a ready to go format. Of course you may experience difficulty in the first instance and we will assist. Beyond the first successful installation we cannot undertake to manipulate your files though.
You can update your server space when you see fit as you will have direct ftp and telnet access to it.
It might be useful to look at the full instructions on how to maintain your own WWW space..
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These pages are maintained by Foresight Interactive Services. If you have any queries or comments about the Demon World Wide Web pages, please feel free to email