He works on techniques, architectures and applications of data visualization for a wide variety of scientific disciplines.
His research interests range from computer graphics, data storage structures, data representation methodologies, data base management, computer user interfaces, and data analysis algorithms to middle atmosphere electrodynamics, planetary astronomy and climatology. Particularly, Mr Treinish is interested in generic or discipline-independent techniques for the storage, manipulation, analysis and display of data.
Earlier he did similar work in the development of advanced scientific data systems, including studying space and atmospheric phenomena, for over a decade at the National Space Science Data Center of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD.
A 1978 graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with an S.M. and an S.B. in physics, and an S.B. in earth and planetary sciences, Mr Treinish has been at IBM since April 1990.
He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS), the IEEE-CS Technical Committee on Computer Graphics, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), ACM SIGGRAPH, the National Computer Graphics Association, the Planetary Society, and the American Geophysical Union.