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Harlan Wallach's beautiful Paris Journal combines photographs, photograms, and drawings. With its infinite depth-of-field, Wallach's pinhole camera competes with the snazziest Hasselblad.

Like a siren's call in "CrashEnglish", Naoto Suzuki's letter beckoned us into his alternate cartoon universe. For translations, and much more, check out our feature "Please Looking These Floppies" in the next Retina, 17 January 1995.

Like images of ancient monuments, Graham Law's ghostly farm animals are preserved in photographic amber.

Kent Manske 's Game of Life presents a parade of stick-people, their identities worn like sandwich signs, dancing around the pages of a telephone book.

Guerrilla urban beautification? Political commentary from the streets? A competitive sport? Petty vandalism? Susan Farrell documents art crimes.

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