Library and Archives of the ROE

Welcome to the Home Page of the Library and Archives of the Royal Observatory Edinburgh. This page is in preparation (15/11/94).

The Royal Observatory possesses one of the most comprehensive collections of astronomical literature in existence. The library system, which serves the professsional community, comprises the Crawford Library, Main Library and Archives.

The Main Library holds twentieth century material covering all fields of astronomy. Supporting subjects are represented by a select stock of works on physics, electronics and computing. All post 1973 publications are available through the Library's on line catalogue.

The Observatory Archives comprise the notebooks, correspondence and other papers of the former Astronomical Institution of Edinburgh (founded in 1811), Astronomers Royal for Scotland, and the 26th Earl of Crawford. The collection which includes early instruments, equipment and photographic material, has been sorted and indexed.

The Crawford Library contains some 15,000 books, pamphlets and manuscripts dating from the thirteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century. The collection was brought together by the 26th Earl of Crawford from his family library, the library of Charles Babbage and purchases of rare books from booksales throughout Europe. The Library contains first editions of all major works in the history of astronomy and related fields. It is recognised as a rich resource for scholars, historians of science and bibliographers and is visited by researchers from all over the world.

From here you can access or find out about:

Note: Requests for images from the Crawford Library, or for permission to reproduce any of the displayed images, should be directed to the Librarian.

For further information contact :

The Library,
Royal Observatory,
Blackford Hill,
Edinburgh EH9 3HJ  
Tel: 0131 668 8397
Fax: 0131 668 8264
Rob Ivison, 15th Nov 1994.