(Silicon Surf Promotional CD, 01/1995)
More of the UNIX System for Users (Self-paced Learning)
This course builds on the foundation supplied by
The UNIX System for Users Video Workshop. Students will
learn how to use the many available UNIX utilities to
really use UNIX to its fullest.
Topics Covered
- File Processing and Data Manipulation
- Backups
- Text Formatting
- Networking Concepts and Utilities
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to...
- Truly take advantage of the power of UNIX
- Introduction to The UNIX World Video Workshop or equivalent knowledge
- The UNIX System for Users Video Workshop or equivalent knowledge and
Product Number and Description
- SP-UUX2V Workshop includes 1 set of video tapes (VHS format), 5 student workbooks, 5 textbooks, and 5 reference books
- SP-UUX2P Workshop includes 1 set of video tapes (PAL format), 5 student workbooks, 5 textbooks, and 5 reference books
- SP-UUX2WKBK 5 additional student workbooks
- SP-UUX2TXTBK 5 additional textbooks
Please call the Education Hotline for more
information at 1-800-800-4SGI.