(Silicon Surf Promotional CD, 01/1995)
Indigo2 Product Guide
Indigo2 (tm) Product Guide
Indigo2 supports the widest range of 3D graphics to suit your
needs. And thanks to multiple configurations and growth paths, your
investment is protected. Of course, all of the stunning digital
media capabilities that have made the Indigo family so successful
are standard. Indeed, Indigo2 is the system of choice for power
hungry problems and creative challenges.
Indigo2 delivers the fastest system throughput combining
leading CPU and graphics architecture, for your intensive
computing needs. You can choose from three types of
graphics to suit your tasks with Indigo2 XL, Indigo2 XZ
and Indigo2 Extreme(tm). And of course unprecedented
digital media tools are integrated to give you the most
natural ways to communicate your work. Quite simply,
the Indigo2 is the world's fastest, most feature-rich
graphics workstation on the desktop.
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