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Applications Directory

Applications Directory


The Silicon Graphics Applications Directory

The Silicon Graphics Applications Directory is a comprehensive guide to third-party software applications, peripherals, and services available on the Silicon Graphics workstation and server product line. The directory contains descriptions of over 1800 products to help you make the most of your investment in Silicon Graphics technology. These products have been developed by members of the Silicon Graphics Developer Program--a third-party program which assists developers in designing, porting and marketing their products for Silicon Graphics workstations and servers.

How to Use the Directory

For ease of use, there are four indexes to navigate the Directory:

If you are looking for information about a specific product, use the Application Index to help you locate it within the Directory. The Developer Index can help you identify and locate products offered by a particular developer. For an overview of all products in a market segment, refer to the Market Segment Index. And, to identify products for over 500 specific application areas, use the Solution Index--it lists products for virtually every application from Desktop Publishing to Molecular Modeling to Animation.

For More Information about Products

For more information about any of the products in this directory, please contact the vendor listed next to the product description. Customers in international locations should contact the vendor listed next to the product description and find out the location of their local sales office.

For products sold by Silicon Graphics, please contact your local Silicon Graphics sales office or SGI Direct at 1-800-800-SGI1.

About the Silicon Graphics Developer Program

The Silicon Graphics Developer Program reflects the company's commitment to building the industry's broadest range of applications that support the company's goal to bring visual computing to the mainstream. With a broad range of services and tools, the Silicon Graphics Developer Program helps developers around the world design, port and market products and services for Silicon Graphics workstations and servers. Benefits of membership include:

(* additional fee may be required)

To become a member of the Developer Program, developers must complete a Developer Program Application, pay an annual membership fee, and product(s) must be available within one year of registration. For information about the Silicon Graphics Developer Program and to receive an application form, contact:

Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Developer Program
2011 North Shoreline Blvd., MS 420
Mountain View, CA 94043-1389
Phone: (415) 390-3033 or 1-800-770-3033
Fax: (415) 969-6327
E-mail: devprogram@sgi.com

About Silicon Graphics

Silicon Graphics, Inc. is the leading manufacturer of high-performance visual computing systems. The company delivers interactive three-dimensional graphics, digital media and multiprocessing supercomputing technologies to technical, scientific and creative professionals. Its subsidiary, MIPS Technologies, Inc., designs and licenses the industry's leading RISC processor technology for the computer systems and embedded control markets. Silicon Graphics has offices worldwide and headquarters in Mountain View, California.

(c) Copyright 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc. -- All Rights Reserved