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Silicon Graphics Expo '94 will be held at the San Jose Convention Center from May 23rd-26th. This is the third annual Silicon Graphics Expo, and it employs a very different approach than those held previously.

The focus will be solutions and applications, to demonstrate to developers and end-users alike thatSilicon Graphics offers a complete solution to their needs -- beyondjust hardware. The full range of Silicon Graphics' solutions and market support will be featured at Silicon Graphics Expo '94 through a variety of sessions, tutorials, panel discussions, exhibits and demonstrations. Silicon Graphics' booth theme will be "Visualizing the Future," and the exhibit hall will feature a wide array of activities and attractions, including interactive rides showcasing Silicon Graphics' virtual reality and real-time technology.

Through this solutions-oriented approach, we're expanding the vision of Silicon Graphics' advantages, we'll encourage more people to consider us -- either as developers or purchasers, or both -- and that we'll reach a broader audience than ever before. We expect this year's event to be the largest gathering of the Silicon Graphics community to date including current and potential customers, business partners, manufacturers, developers, resellers, industry trade and business press, and of course, employees. Join us and be a part of the Silicon Graphics revolution in visual computing.

Watch for more information in the weeks ahead. News about the show will be transmitted to various news groups on the Internet, as well as through normal channels. For more information on the show you can call 1-800-727-EXPO.