Worldwide Calendar of Tradeshows and Events - 1994

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Date Event Location

3/1 - 3/4 MICAD Paris, France 3/2 - 3/4 EXPOCAD '94 Spain 3/3 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Amsterdam 3/4 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Rotterdam & Utrecht 3/7 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Oslo, Norway 3/8 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Helsinki, Finland 3/8 - 3/10 CADCAM '94 Birmingham, UK 3/8 - 3/9 BYU Computer Fair Provo, Ut. 3/8 - 3/11 Datortehniea Riga/Latvija, Finland 3/9 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Malmo, Sweden 3/9 - 3/10 UNIX & Computers Tel-Aviv, Israel 3/10 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Gothenburg, Sweden 3/11 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Copenhagen, Denmark 3/13 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Tel Aviv, Israel 3/14 - 3/16 American Chemical Society San Diego, Ca. 3/14 - 3/17 NDES Chicago, Il. 3/14 - 3/18 FIDAE Chile 3/15 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Vienna, Austria 3/15 - 3/17 European Petroleum Aberdeen, UK 3/16 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Zurich, Switzerland 317 - 3/18 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour (CeBIT)Hannover, Germany 3/16 - 3/23 CeBIT Hannover, Germany 3/21 The Vernal Equinox Holiday Japan 3/21 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Madrid, Spain 3/21 - 3/22 The Local Buzz (Pre-press) Torquay 3/21 - 3/24 NAB Las Vegas, Nv. 3/21 - 3/24 Seybold Spring Boston, Ma. 3/21 - 3/24 FOSE Washington, DC 3/21 - 3/24 SEG Cairo, Egypt 3/22 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Barcelona, Spain 3/22 - 3/24 Eurographics St. Hughes College, Oxford 3/22 - 3/25 Comdex/Verao Brazil 3/23 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Lisbonne, Portugal 3/23 - 3/25 SPE Long Beach, Ca. 3/23 - 3/25 SIA Paris, France 3/23 - 3/26 IA '94 Singapore 3/24 Silicon Studio for Publishing Tour Brussels, Belgium 3/24 - 3/25 The Local Buzz (Pre-press) Bristol 3/26 - 3/29 Computer '94 Lausanne, Switzerland 3/27 - 3/30 Arab Oil & Gas Show Dubai, U.A.E. 3/28 - 3/29 The Local Buzz (Pre-press) Heathrow 3/27 - 4/3 SPE Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. 3/30 - 3/31 Science & Technology Oakland, Ca.