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Indy Shareware

Indy Shareware

Remote-control Indycam by Barry Brouillette

This is where you go to find the coolest shareware available for Indy. Of course, like most shareware, some of this stuff can be found other places on the NET, but our goal is to highlight just a few tasty applications.

Seeking Submissions

Are you a hacker god? Can you make your Indy do tricks even we didn't know were possible? Send us your best Indy shareware efforts. Include as much or as little information about yourself as you like in the message. We are particularly interested in dishing out a little fame, so feel encouraged to include an Indycam snapshot or a movie.

Send a brief description of your shareware (and a pointer to its location) to indyware@sgi.com.

Feature Attraction

Our first piece of code helps answer the question, "Hey who messed with my office last night?" This shareware lets your Indy stand guard while you're away.

Name: Security

Author: Gary Griffin


Security will work with the Indycam or any other any video input device supported by VL (like vino). The program does motion detection on a video source and saves frames into a movie file. The criteria for motion are user controllable. It can also be used as a stop-frame camera to collect frames at a specified time.

And as a special feature, it can even reset your screen saver. Now walking into your office can be a new experience. It can be recorded for posterity and automagically unblank your screen.

Press this button DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE to download our security software.