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Power for Print

Power Platforms for Print

Loaded With Features To Benefit You

CHALLENGE S features two fast and wide SCSI channels running at 20mb/sec, and one fast and narrow SCSI channel running at 10mb/sec to give you access to your images and other data at unheard of speeds. As a means of comparison, Apple(R) Macintosh(R) SCSI channels typically run at 5mb/sec. Even with a fast SCSI add-on card the Apple computer's maximum performance is just 10mb/sec. Challenge S, on the other hand, provides premium throughput at affordable prices, achieving a level of performance previously available only on expensive, high-end systems. And because the server is no longer the bottleneck, there is quicker access to your files and devices, such as imagesetters and scanners.

Storage is never a problem as CHALLENGE S can provide over 100GB of storage. This extraordinary feature makes it possible to store all of your clients' images on-line, facilitating faster access to client data and eliminating the need for costly tape back-up.

Whether you run a two person shop or a 500 employee enterprise, flexibility and the capacity for growth are critically important as your network throughput requirements expand. CHALLENGE S gives you what you need by supporting FDDI, Ethernet and ATM. Two Ethernet channels are standard on CHALLENGE S, allowing you to connect more devices to your system with better load balancing, resulting in improved capacity and throughput.