hide random home http://www.sgi.com/products/appsdirectory.dir/Applications/Peripherals/ApplicationNumber7668.html (Silicon Surf Promotional CD, 01/1995)


METIOR(tm) is configurable, 8-level deep, hierarchical storage management software which makes the file system appear to have infinite capacity. Files may be up to 2 Exabytes in size (2x10 to the 18th bytes), independent of the amount of disk space available. RPC-based and fully distributed, multiple personal hierarchies may include different type storage devices on any network node. This may include robotic storage and shelf media. Will import alien or legacy filesystems such as ArFS, TAR, and others without copying data. Supports magnetic disk, including RAID, all H-P optical products, and most robotic tape, including high-performance helical scan.

Hal Abbott

Automated Network Technologies
3333 S. Bannock Street
Suite 945
Englewood, CO 80110