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Siggraph '94


The 21st Annual International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques is the world's premier computer graphics conference and exhibition. This is an opportunity for engineers, researchers, scientists, practitioners, artists, and enthusiasts to gather, share ideas, and develop creative solutions.

This week at SIGGRAPH '94, Silicon Graphics announces the extension of its dominant reach in computer graphics with the introduction of new products, technologies and partnerships. The announcements range from enhanced 3D performance on Silicon Graphics' popular Indy desktop system to adding supercomputing-class microprocessor technology to the powerful Onyx line. Also at SIGGRAPH, Silicon Graphics will highlight technology advances and industry alliances that further solidify the company's position as the world's leading supplier of visual computing systems. We welcome everyone to tour

as well as the rest of the SIGGRAPH show floor. You'll find our newest products everywhere you turn.