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3.1 The OpenGL Utility Library

A guiding principle in the design of OpenGL has been to provide program portability without mandating how higher-level graphical objects must be described. As a result, the basic OpenGL interface does not support some geometric objects that are traditionally associated with graphics standards. For instance, an OpenGL implementation need not render concave polygons. One reason for this omission is that concave polygon rendering algorithms are of necessity more complex than those for rendering convex polygons, and different concave polygon algorithms may be appropriate in different domains. In particular, if a concave polygon is to be drawn more than once, it is more efficient to first decompose it into convex polygons (or triangles) once and then draw the convex polygons.

A general concave polygon decomposer is provided as part of the OpenGL Utility Library, which is provided with every OpenGL implementation. The Utility Library also provides an interface, built on OpenGL's polynomial evaluators, to describe and display NURBS curves and surfaces (with domain space trimming), as well as a means for rendering spheres, cones, and cylinders. The Utility Library serves both as a means to render useful geometric objects and as a model for building other libraries that use OpenGL for rendering.

Fri Sep 23 16:08:14 PDT 1994