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Cadmin Release Notes

Cadmin Release Notes

1 Introduction

2 Installation Information


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       1.  Introduction

       Cadmin is a distributed object management system.  The
       objects model underlying resources of the IRIX operating
       system from Silicon Graphics.  Examples of such objects are
       user accounts, printers, disks, file systems, terminals, and
       network interfaces.

       Cadmin is distributed in nature.  Objects modeled on one
       system can be accessed from other Cadmin systems on the
       network.  The software programs that implement Cadmin are
       servers that respond to requests from client programs.

       These clients are part of the Indigo Magic desktop.  They
       consist of the system administration tools accessed through
       the System and the Find menus of the Toolchest, and through
       clicking on desktop icons.

       This document contains the following chapters:

         1.  Introduction

         2.  Installation Information

       1.1  Release_Identification_Information

       Following is the release identification information for

       Software  Product              Cadmin

       Version                        5.2
       System Software Requirements   IRIX 5.2

       1.2  Hardware_Requirements

       A system that runs the directory server should have a
       minimum of 32MB of RAM.  See Chapter 2 for a discussion of
       when to run a directory server.

       1.3  On-Line_Release_Notes

       After you install the online documentation for a product
       (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on
       your screen.

       If you have a graphics system, select ``Release Notes'' from
       the Help menu of the Toolchest. This displays the
       grelnotes(1) graphical browser for the online release notes.

                                  - 2 -

       Refer to the grelnotes(1) man page for information on
       options to this command.

       Note:  You can read the online release notes for most
              products before installing the software.  Refer to
              the booklet in your CD-ROM case for more information.

       1.4  On-line_Man_Pages

       The following man pages are provided online with Cadmin:


       To access an online man page, select "Man Page" from the
       Help menu of the Toolchest.

       1.5  Product_Support

       Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product
       support and maintenance program for its products.  If you
       are in North America and would like support for your Silicon
       Graphics-supported products, contact the Technical
       Assistance Center at 1-800-800-4SGI.  Otherwise, contact
       your local support provider.


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       2.  Installation_Information

       This chapter lists supplemental information to the IRIS
       Software Installation Guide.  The information listed here is
       product-specific; use it with the installation guide to
       install this product.

       2.1  Cadmin_Subsystems

       The Cadmin product includes these subsystems:

       cadmin.sw.objectserver        This subsystem includes
                                     objectserver, which responds
                                     to the system administration
                                     requests; the cadmin managed
                                     object definitions; parser,
                                     which generates the Cadmin
                                     database schema from the
                                     definitions; convert, which
                                     converts from old-style
                                     databases to the current
                                     format; /etc/init.d/cadmin,
                                     the cadmin startup and stop
                                     script; and directoryserver,
                                     which provides site-wide or
                                     network-wide location and
                                     naming service for Cadmin.
                                     This subsystem is installed by

       cadmin.sw.dso                 The Cadmin shared object
                                     library.  This library is
                                     necessary to run any Cadmin
                                     application.  This subsystem
                                     is installed by default.

       cadmin.man.relnotes           Release Notes

       cadmin.man.cadmin             Man pages

       2.2  Cadmin_Subsystem_Disk_Space_Requirements

       This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes) of the
       cadmin product.

       When you install this product for the first time, the
       subsystems marked ``default'' are the ones installed
       automatically if you use the ``go'' menu item.  To install a
       different set of subsystems, use the ``install,''
       ``remove,'' ``keep,'' and ``step'' commands in inst to

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       customize the list of subsystems to be installed, then
       select the ``go'' menu item.

       Note:  The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
              the IRIS Software Installation Guide for information
              on finding exact sizes.

       Subsystem Name                     Subsystem Size
                                          (512-byte blocks)

       cadmin.man.cadmin                          10
       cadmin.man.relnotes                        17

       cadmin.sw.dso (default)                   742
       cadmin.sw.objectserver (default)         2097

       2.3  Installation_Method

       All of the subsystems for Cadmin can be installed using IRIX
       in multi-user mode.  You do not need to use the miniroot.
       Refer to the IRIS Software Installation Guide for complete
       installation instructions.  After installation is complete,
       rebooting the system is recommended.  Minimally, running
       these commands is required:

       /etc/init.d/cadmin stop
       /etc/init.d/cadmin start

       2.4  Prerequisites

       Installing the cadmin.sw.objectserver subsystem requires
       these prerequisites:

          o You must have installed the execution C library

          o You must have installed the TCP/IP networking support

          o You must have installed the Desktop File Alteration
            Monitor (desktop_eoe.sw.fam).

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       2.5  Configuration_Files

       2.5.1  Cadmin_Object_Definition_Files

       As part of the Cadmin installation, the object definition
       files are put in /usr/Cadmin/classes.  Each file of the form
       .op contains a definition of an installed and
       manageable object class.

       2.5.2  Cadmin_Object_Database

       The /var/Cadmin/data directory contains the local object
       server (system) and (possibly) a directory server (global)
       Cadmin database(s). The directory server database is present
       only if the directory server has been set ``on'' with
       chkconfig(1M).  The data directory contains three binary
       files.  They are database the database itself, index, the
       database index file, and classes, the object definition

       The directory server database is in the directory
       subdirectory under /var/Cadmin/data.  It is organized in the
       same way as the object server database.

       2.5.3  Cadmin_Object_Parser

       The Cadmin object parser parse is installed in
       /usr/Cadmin/bin.  Also installed in /usr/Cadmin/bin is the
       shell script parseclasses.  Parseclasses is run when Cadmin
       starts up to generate the Cadmin database schema.

       2.5.4  Cadmin_Database_Conversion

       This version of Cadmin uses a new database format.  When the
       Cadmin start up script /etc/init.d/cadmin runs, it checks
       whether the data base is of the new format or the old.  If
       it is the old format, it executes the
       /usr/Cadmin/bin/convert program to create a database of the
       new format from the old and moves the old database to the
       directory /var/Cadmin/data.O.  When you are satisfied that
       the conversion was successful, this directory may be

       2.6  Other_Installation_Information

       2.6.1  Configuring_and_Managing_the_Object_System

       If you do not want the object server to be run automatically
       at reboot, type:

       chkconfig objectserver off

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       Cadmin applications require the object server to be running.

       By default the directory server does not start up after
       installation.  If you want the directory server to run
       automatically at reboot, type:

       chkconfig directoryserver on

       Generally you do not want the directory server running on
       users' systems.  See the section below on configuring
       directory servers.

       The object system may be stopped and started without
       rebooting the system with the following commands.

       To stop the object system type:

       /etc/init.d/cadmin stop

       To start the object system type:

       /etc/init.d/cadmin start

       To run the object system with the Cadmin data base in its
       original clean and known state type:

       /etc/init.d/cadmin clean
       /etc/init.d/cadmin start

       This should only be necessary if the object server or
       directory server on the system reports database errors in
       /var/adm/SYSLOG or to Cadmin applications.

       Note:  /etc/init.d/cadmin clean removes the database and all
              the information known to the object system.

       2.6.2  Configuring_and_Using_the_Directory_Server

       The directory server is used as a cache of information about
       objects that each object server maintains.  Some guidelines
       on setting up the directory servers for a site are listed

          o Object servers and client applications communicate with
            directory servers via IP multicast.  Multicast
            forwarders (see mrouted(1M)) must be configured on
            networks that route between subnetworks.  If multicast
            forwarding is not used, a directory server must be run
            on each subnetwork.

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          o Sites with small numbers (less than 200) of Silicon
            Graphics hosts should run only one directory server.

          o Sites with large number (200 or more) of Silicon
            Graphics hosts should run one or more directory
            servers.  If multiple directory servers are run, it is
            preferable that they are run hosts on different
            subnetworks.  Each directory server will periodically
            synchronize its information will all the other
            directory servers.  The synchronization involves
            significant CPU and network resources as the number of
            directory servers grow, and will eventually outweigh
            the benefits of additional directory servers.

          o If the multicast diameter of the multicast routed
            networks is greater than 4 hops, then directory servers
            must be run on subnets in such a way that no Silicon
            Graphics system running the object server is more than
            4 multicast hops from at least one directory server.
            Alternatively, see the objectserver(1M) man page on how
            to increase the multicast TTL that the object server

          o A useful way of finding if any directory servers are
            reachable is to give the command:

            /usr/etc/ping -T 4

            This command looks for any hosts responding to the SGI
            multicast address within 4 multicast hops.  This does,
            however, return more than just directory servers, it
            returns any host listening to SGI's multicast address,
            such as those playing flight or some other multicast

       2.6.3  Cadmin_Applications

       See the Release Notes for the sysadmdesktop subsystem for
       information on the system management applications that use
       the Cadmin object system.