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ToolTalk Release Notes

ToolTalk Release Notes

1 Introduction

2 Installation Information

3 Known Problems and Workarounds

4 Differences from SunSoft ToolTalk

5 Documentation Notes

6 Examples on IRIS Workstations


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       1.  Introduction

       ToolTalk is an interprocess message passing facility
       developed and licensed by SunSoft.  It is used by
       independent applications to communicate with each other
       without having direct knowledge of each other.  Applications
       communicate by creating and sending ToolTalk messages.  The
       ToolTalk service receives these messages, determines the
       recipients, then delivers the messages to the appropriate
       ToolTalk client applications.

       For detailed documentation, please read the following

          o ToolTalk Programmer's Guide (available as an option)

          o ToolTalk Setup and Administration Guide.
       Developers are encouraged to read both of these manuals.

       Note:  Packaged with this software is a separate sheet that
              contains the Software License Agreement.  This
              software is provided to you solely under the terms
              and conditions of the Software License Agreement.
              Please take a few moments to review the Agreement.

       This document contains the following chapters:

         1.  Introduction

         2.  Installation Information

         3.  Known Problems and Workarounds

         4.  Differences from SunSoft ToolTalk

         5.  Documentation Notes

         6.  Examples on IRIS Workstations

       1.1  Release_Identification_Information

       Following is the release identification information for

                                  - 2 -

       Software Option Product        ToolTalk

       Version                        1.2.1 (Corresponds
                                      to SunSoft ToolTalk
       Product Code                   ToolTalk 1.2.1

       System Software Requirements   IRIX 5.2

       1.2  Hardware_Requirements

       You should have at least 16 Mbytes of RAM to run ToolTalk.
       Furthermore, many of the programs have large address spaces
       and therefore use a large amount of swap space.  Silicon
       Graphics suggests that if you see the tools being killed due
       to lack of swap space, you increase the swap space by using
       the ``swap'' administrative interface.

       1.3  On-Line_Release_Notes

       After you install the on-line documentation for a product
       (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on
       your screen.

       If you have a graphics system, select ``Release Notes'' from
       the Tools submenu of the Toolchest. This displays the
       grelnotes(1) graphical browser for the on-line release

       Refer to the grelnotes(1) man page for information on
       options to this command.

       If you do not have a graphics system, you can use the
       relnotes command. Refer to the relnotes(1) man page for
       accessing the on-line release notes.

       1.4  On-line_man_Pages

       The following man pages are provided on-line with ToolTalk:

       install_tt(1)               tt_type_comp(1)
       ttcopy(1)                   ttmv(1)
       ttrm(1)                     ttrmdir(1)
       ttsession(1)                tttar(1)
       ttapi(3)                    ttdbserverd(8)

       To access an on-line man page, type:


                                  - 3 -

       1.5  Product_Support

       Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product
       support and maintenance program for its products.  If you
       are in North America and would like support for your Silicon
       Graphics-supported products, contact the Technical
       Assistance Center at 1-800-800-4SGI.  Otherwise, contact
       your support provider.


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       2.  Installation_Information

       This chapter lists supplemental information to the IRIS
       Software Installation Guide.  The information listed here is
       product-specific; use it with the installation guide to
       install this product.

       2.1  ToolTalk_Subsystems

       The ToolTalk Execution product includes these subsystems:

       tooltalk_eoe.sw.links         Installation links for sw

       tooltalk_eoe.sw.runtime       ToolTalk run-time environment

       tooltalk_eoe.man.links        Installation links for man

       tooltalk_eoe.man.pages        Man pages

       tooltalk_eoe.man.relnotes     Release notes

       The ToolTalk Development product includes these subsystems:

       tooltalk_dev.man.links        ToolTalk Development man page

       tooltalk_dev.man.manpages     ToolTalk Development man pages

       tooltalk_dev.man.relnotes     ToolTalk release notes

       tooltalk_dev.sw.dev           ToolTalk development

       tooltalk_dev.sw.examples      ToolTalk examples

       tooltalk_dev.sw.links         ToolTalk development

       2.2  ToolTalk_Subsystem_Disk_Space_Requirements

       This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes) of the
       ToolTalk option.

       When you install this option for the first time, the
       subsystems marked "default" are the ones installed
       automatically if you use the ``go'' menu item.  To install a
       different set of subsystems, use the ``install,''
       ``remove,'' ``keep,'' and ``step'' commands in inst to
       customize the list of subsystems to be installed, then
       select the ``go'' menu item.

                                  - 2 -

       Note:  The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
              the IRIS Software Installation Guide for information
              on finding exact sizes.

       Subsystem Name                        Subsystem Size
                                             (512-byte blocks)

       tooltalk_eoe.sw.links (default)                10
       tooltalk_eoe.sw.runtime (default)            4700

       tooltalk_eoe.man.links (default)               10
       tooltalk_eoe.man.manpages (default)            52

       tooltalk_eoe.man.relnotes (default)            36
       tooltalk_dev.man.links (default)                1

       tooltalk_dev.man.manpage (default)             58
       tooltalk_dev.man.relnotes (default)            36

       tooltalk_dev.sw.dev (default)                4340
       tooltalk_dev.sw.examples (default)            379

       tooltalk_dev.sw.links (default)                 2

       2.3  Installation_Method

       All of the subsystems for ToolTalk can be installed using
       IRIX.  You do not need to use the miniroot. Refer to the
       IRIS Software Installation Guide for complete installation

       2.4  Prerequisites

       You must be running IRIX 5.2 to use Version 1.2.1 of this

       The following prerequisites external to ToolTalk apply to
       the tooltalk_eoe.sw.runtime subsystem:

          o You must have installed the execution C library

          o You must have installed the X11 execution environment

          o You must have installed the TCP/IP networking support
       The following prerequisites external to ToolTalk apply to
       the tooltalk_dev.sw.dev subsystem:

                                  - 3 -

          o You must have installed the IRIS Development Option

          o If you are developing ToolTalk applications that use X
            and Motif, you must have installed the X11 Execution
            Environment mentioned above, the X11 Development
            Environment (x_dev.sw), the Motif Execution-Only
            Environment (motif_eoe),  and the Motif Development
            System (motif_dev).

       Note:  The tooltalk_dev images is mentioned here, but is
              bundled as part of the developer's option.
       Within ToolTalk, the following prerequisites apply:

          o tooltalk_eoe.sw.links must always be installed.

          o tooltalk_eoe.sw.links must be installed for

          o tooltalk_dev.sw.links must be installed for

          o tooltalk_eoe.man.links must be installed for the
            tooltalk_eoe.man.manpages subsystem.

       2.5  Other_Installation_Information

       ToolTalk uses an installation architecture that makes it
       easy to relocate the bulk of the installed files to
       directories that have extra space.  All the ToolTalk files
       are installed under the directory /usr/ToolTalk, then those
       files are linked back to the appropriate spots under /usr.
       Therefore, if you do not have enough disk space on /usr to
       install the ToolTalk tools, you can install them on an
       auxiliary disk and link them back to /usr automatically.
       Here is one example of appropriate commands for installing
       locally on a disk named /disk3 (execute as root):

       ln -s ../disk3/ToolTalk /usr     (location of target of inst)
       inst -f /CDROM/dist      (location of inst images)

       These commands link the /usr/ToolTalk directory to the
       /disk3 disk, where there is enough space to hold the tools.
       The files are then installed on /disk3, and the
       tooltalk_eoe.sw.links subsystem and tooltalk_eoe.man.links
       subsystem install links pointing to those files from /usr.

       In another example, if you want to install ToolTalk on a
       file server and have users mount the software from there,

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       first install the software on the server as usual:

       inst -f /CDROM/dist

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       Then mount the server's files from server:/usr/ToolTalk on
       the user's machine as /usr/ToolTalk and install sw and man
       links subsystems:

       inst -f /CDROM/dist
       keep all
       install tooltalk_eoe.sw.links
       install tooltalk_eoe.man.links

       2.6  Search_path

       The ToolTalk commands are installed in the directory
       /usr/ToolTalk/bin.  They are linked from the directory
       /usr/sbin.  You should include /usr/sbin in your search


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       3.  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds

       This chapter describes the known problems with the 1.1
       version of ToolTalk.

          o The Object Types (otypes) and the related ToolTalk
            enhanced shell commands (ttcopy, ttmv, etc.) should be
            used for prototyping systems only.

          o If you see the message:

            Warning: couldn't acquire X selection

            it is possible that ToolTalk has started two
            ttsessions.  The older of these sessions is not active.
            You can kill the inactive session with the IRIX kill

          o If the default ttsession is killed, it leaves a
            property on the X root window defining that session.
            To locate the property, type:

            xprop -root | fgrep _SUN_TT_SESSION

            Or, if you are running in a ClearCase view, type:

            xprop -root | fgrep _SGI_TT_SESSION_

            To remove the property, type:

            xprop -root -remove 

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          o If you have a ptype defined, but the program that is
            autostarted on behalf of that ptype does not declare
            itself to be that ptype, ToolTalk continues to start
            the same program.  If this happens, kill the ttsession
            process and the many instances of the autostarted
            program, and fix your program to declare itself
            properly.  For example, in the example program
            tt_sgi_service, tt_ptype_declare is called before
            tt_session_join.  This also points out the importance
            of declaring the ptype before joining the session.

          o By default, ToolTalk tries to connect to the X display
            defined by the DISPLAY environment variable to
            determine what ttsession to join.  The call to
            XOpenDisplay (which connects to the X display) can fail
            in several ways:

               - If DISPLAY is set to a machine that is running
                 Pandora, the Silicon Graphics (SGI) login, the SGI
                 Xlib prints out the following warning:

                 Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
                 Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server

                 There is currently no way to suppress this
                 warning.  Because you probably do not want to
                 connect to a message server on this machine in
                 this case, set your DISPLAY environment variable
                 to the machine running the desired ttsession.

               - If DISPLAY is set to a machine that is running XDM
                 (X Display Manager) as the login, a call to
                 XOpenDisplay hangs and might eventually return
                 with the following message:

                  XIO: fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe) on X server
                       "(null)" after 0 requests (0 known processed)
                       with 0 events remaining.  The connection was
                       probably broken by a server shutdown or KillClient.

                 Once again, you can set DISPLAY to avoid this
                 condition.  If you are programming to handle this
                 condition, one solution for detection without
                 hanging is to set a timer surrounding the call to
                 tt_open (which calls XOpenDisplay).  You can do
                 this by setting a signal handler for the SIGALRM
                 signal, and setting the alarm for how long you
                 will give XOpenDisplay to connect or fail.

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               - A third possible failure is if the DISPLAY is set
                 to a machine (server) that is not running the X
                 server (Xsgi).  In this case, the call to
                 XOpenDisplay returns nil but takes a long time.
                 Again, it makes sense to set the DISPLAY

          o If two clients require the same ptype service, but have
            joined different files, simultaneous autostart handles
            both requests successfully, but the second client
            receives a reply with state TT_FAILED. This happens
            when both clients have scope=TT_FILE_IN_SESSION.

          o SunSoft ToolTalk sets the SIGPIPE signal handler for
            clients unconditionally to SIG_IGN. This overrides any
            previous setting for this signal handler.  In SGI
            ToolTalk, if the SIGPIPE signal handler of the client
            is set to anything other than SIG_DFL (default), it is
            left unchanged.  Set your signal handlers before
            calling ToolTalk.

          o Point-to-point notices that do not have a handler set
            for them are ignored, instead of an error code being
            returned from tt_message_send().  The workaround is to
            always name your recipient (via
            tt_message_handler_set()) when you send a point-to-
            point (that is, TT_HANDLER) message. Because no error
            message is returned if you do not, make sure always
            name your recipient.

          o If you create a message, then send it more than once,
            subsequent sends are not reliable. This is not supposed
            to work at all!  Do not send the same message more than
            once; create a new message each time.

          o When tt_close is called, more than just the default
            proc ID is closed.  Other proc IDs obtained via earlier
            tt_open calls cause the TT_ERR_PROCID error when they
            are used.  The workaround is to call tt_open() right
            after calling tt_close(). That creates a new proc ID
            and causes it to be the default proc ID.  Then call
            tt_default_procid_set() to set the default proc ID to
            be one of your ``real'' proc IDs.  Note that this is
            relevant only if you are juggling multiple proc IDs in
            the same process, which is not the typical case.

          o TT_ERR_OVERFLOW is not currently reported when
            thousands of queued messages are sent and never
            delivered.  The workaround is to make sure the receiver
            proceeds normally by calling tt_message_receive.


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       4.  Differences_from_SunSoft_ToolTalk

       4.1  Not_Supported_in_Silicon_Graphics_ToolTalk

          o The Classing Engine is a SunSoft database used for
            typing information (for example, given a file, what
            type is it, what icon is used for this type?).  This is
            used in Sun OpenWindows, and is not part of ToolTalk.
            Some of the ToolTalk commands have options that use the
            Classing Engine in the SunSoft implementation.  The
            Classing Engine options are not supported in the
            Silicon Graphics (SGI) implementation.

          o The SunSoft implementation of ToolTalk supports a des
            authentication option and uses secure RPC. This is not
            supported in the SGI ToolTalk implementation.

          o The SunSoft implementation of ToolTalk supports
            internationalization of error/warning messages. This is
            not supported in the SGI ToolTalk implementation. The
            error message strings can be found in Appendix C of the
            ToolTalk Programmer's Guide (available as an option).

       4.2  Restricted_Support_in_SGI_ToolTalk

          o The following examples in tooltalk_dev.sw.examples
            (/usr/ToolTalk/examples) do not run on IRIS
            workstations: ttsample1, Sun_EditDemo, ttmon.  They are
            included for illustrative purposes only.  However, two
            examples have been written to run on IRIS systems,
            ttsample1_sgi and
            ttsample2_sgi_client/ttsample2_sgi_service.  These new
            examples are presented in Chapter 6.

          o The following libraries are needed when binding in
            either the shared or non-shared ToolTalk libraries:


       4.3  Changes_in_SGI_ToolTalk

          o The SunSoft implementation of ToolTalk has a program
            named ttcp for copying files containing ToolTalk
            objects.  In SGI's implementation, ttcp is a test
            program for TCP and UDP performance.  The SunSoft
            ToolTalk ttcp command has been renamed ttcopy in SGI

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       4.4  Additional_Functionality_of_SGI_ToolTalk

       By default, a ToolTalk client process connects to a default
       ToolTalk message server (ttsession).  Silicon Graphics has
       modified the default behavior to include the concept of the
       CASEVision/ClearCase view.  By default, if ToolTalk clients
       are running in a CASEVision/ClearCase view, the ttsession
       will be started in the view and dedicated only to processes
       in the view. This overrides the SunSoft ToolTalk default
       mechanism.  If the ToolTalk client is not running in a
       CASEVision/ClearCase view, it connects to the ttsession in
       the same manner as in the SunSoft ToolTalk implementation.
       (See CASEVision/ClearCase for details on what it means to be
       in a view).


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       5.  Documentation_Notes

       The ToolTalk documentation (except for this Release Note)
       was written by SunSoft.  For Silicon Graphics ToolTalk, the
       documentation has been modified to eliminate references to
       SunSoft, SunOS, OpenWindows, the Classing Engine, and other
       Sun proprietary terms.  However, the goal was to remain as
       close to the SunSoft documentation as possible.


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       6.  Examples_on_IRIS_Workstations

       ttsample1_sgi is a ported version of ttsample1.  It uses X
       and Motif instead of Xview and compiles and runs on IRIS

       ttsample2_sgi_client and tt_sample2_sgi_service combine to
       make a new example in Silicon Graphics ToolTalk that
       demonstrates the ptype and autostart capabilities.  If you
       want to build and run these programs, you must have:

          o X11 Development Environment (x_dev.sw)

          o Motif Execution-Only Environment (motif_eoe)

          o Motif Development System (motif_dev)

       in addition to having the prerequisites listed in Section

       To build these programs, type:

       % cd /usr/ToolTalk/examples
       % cp *sgi* /usr/tmp
       % cd /usr/tmp
       % mkdir ~/.tt

       The next command merges a new ptype into ~/.tt/types.xdr if
       this file exists.

       % make -f Makefile.sgi all

       You are now ready to run. Type:

       % ttsample1_sgi

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       You can now move the Send slider, then press the Broadcast
       button. This sends a message to ToolTalk, which is then
       received by ttsample1_sgi, and the Receive slider will be

       % ttsample2_sgi_client

       Again, you can send the value. This time a new process,
       ttsample2_sgi_service, is autostarted.  The new process
       receives the message and replies, updating the original
       calling client, ttsample2_sgi_client.  In this case, the
       service returns the value ((val_in + 1) %100) to show that
       the service is responsible for setting the new value and
       sending it back in the reply.

       % killall ttsession

       This kills the ToolTalk server that was autostarted to
       service these examples. You should also quit or kill the
       example programs.