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ViewKit_eoe Release Notes

ViewKit_eoe Release Notes

1 Introduction

2 Installation Information

3 Bug Fixes

4 Known Problems and Workarounds


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       1.  Introduction

       ViewKit is a C++ class library that enable programmers to
       develop Motif user interfaces more efficiently and more
       effectively.  The ViewKit classes encapsulate common
       interface items as higher level components for easy access
       and modification.

       Some of the major pieces of ViewKit are the base classes
       (VkApp and VkSimpleWindow) for constructing an application
       and its views, a set of dialog manager classes, a set of
       classes that support menu construction and so on.

       This document contains the following chapters:

        1.  Introduction

        2.  Installation Information

        3.  Bugs Fixes

        4.  Known Problems and Workarounds

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       1.1  Release_Identification_Information

       Following is the release identification information for

       Software Option Product        ViewKit_eoe

       Version                        1.0.1
       Product Code                   008-2255-001  MNL
                                      ONLINE, RELEASE
                                      NOTES, VIEWKIT EOE

       System Software Requirements   IRIX 5.2

       1.2  Hardware_Requirements

       You should have at least 16 Mbytes of RAM to run any Motif
       application, and the same applies to ViewKit-based

       1.3  On-Line_Release_Notes

       After you install the on-line documentation for a product
       (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on
       your screen.

       If you have a graphics system, select ``Release Notes'' from
       the Tools submenu of the Toolchest. This displays the
       grelnotes(1) graphical browser for the on-line release

       Refer to the grelnotes(1) man page for information on
       options to this command.

       If you do not have a graphics system, you can use the
       relnotes command.  Refer to the relnotes(1) man page for
       accessing the on-line release notes.

       1.4  Product_Support

       Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product
       support and maintenance program for its products.  If you
       would like support for your Silicon Graphics-supported
       products, contact the Technical Assistance Center at 1-800-
       800-4SGI.  Otherwise, contact your support provider.


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       2.  Installation_Information

       This chapter lists information supplemental to the IRIS
       Software Installation Guide.  The information listed here is
       product-specific; use it with the Installation Guide to
       install ViewKit.

       2.1  ViewKit_Eoe_Subsystems

       The ViewKit execution only environment includes these

       ViewKit_eoe.man.relnotes      The online version of release
                                     notes for ViewKit.

       ViewKit_eoe.sw.base           The optimized, shared ViewKit
                                     libraries.  These libraries

                                     libvk.so.1: The shared version
                                     of the libvk.a library.

                                     libvk.so: A symbolic link to

                                     libvkmsg.so.1: A library of
                                     classes that support inter-
                                     process communication based on
                                     the ToolTalk library.

                                     libvkmsg.so: A symbolic link
                                     to libvkmsg.so.1

                                     libXpm.so: A library that
                                     supports X pixmap creation.
                                     This is a freely available
                                     library, Copyright 1990, 1991
                                     GROUPE BULL. Some viewkit
                                     classes use Xpm. This library
                                     is Xpm version 3.0.

       2.2  ViewKit_Subsystem_Disk_Space_Requirements

       This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes) of the
       ViewKit Execution Environment option.

       If you are installing this option for the first time, the
       subsystems marked ``default'' are the ones that are
       installed if you use the ``go'' menu item.  To install a
       different set of subsystems, use the ``install,''
       ``remove,'' ``keep,'' and ``step'' commands in inst to

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       customize the list of subsystems to be installed, then
       select the ``go'' menu item.

       Note:  The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
              the IRIS Software Installation Guide for information
              on finding exact sizes.

       Subsystem Name                       Subsystem Size
                                            (512-byte blocks)

       ViewKit_eoe.man.relnotes (default)             8
       ViewKit_eoe.sw.base (default)               2608

       2.3  Installation_Method

       All of the subsystems for ViewKit_eoecan be installed using
       IRIX.  You do not need to use the miniroot.  Refer to the
       IRIS Software Installation Guide for complete installation

       2.4  Prerequisites

       This section details the software dependencies needed for

       2.4.1  Required_Subsystems  ViewKit requires that the
       following IDO subsystems be installed:



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       3.  Bug_Fixes

       This chapter lists the major bugs fixed in ViewKit since the
       last release.

          o None yet - this is the first release.


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       4.  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds

          o No known problems