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dmedia_tools Release Notes

dmedia_tools Release Notes

1 Introduction

2 Installation Information

3 Sound Tools

4 Movie Tools

5 Capture Tool


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       1.  Introduction

       The Digital Media Tools (dmedia_tools) are a set of end-user
       tools that give you access to the digital media capabilities
       of your workstation. The tools fall into two categories:
       sound tools and movie tools.

       The sound tools in Digital Media Tools include:

       Sound Filer/Sound File Utilities

       Sound Editor
       CD Manager

       DAT Manager
       Prosonus Sound Library

       The movie tools in Digital Media Tools include:

       Movie Player

       Movie Maker
       Capture Tool

       Note:  Packaged with these release notes is a separate sheet
              that contains the Software License Agreement.  This
              software is provided to you solely under the terms
              and conditions of the Software License Agreement.
              Please take a few moments to review the Agreement.

                                  - 2 -

       This document contains the following chapters:

         1.  Introduction

         2.  Installation Information

         3.  Sound Tools

         4.  Movie Tools

         5.  Capture Tool

       1.1  Release_Identification_Information

       Following is the release identification information for the
       Digital Media Tools:

       Software Product               dmedia_tools

       Version                        5.2
       System Software Requirements   IRIX 5.2

       1.2  Hardware_Requirements

       Sound tools such as Sound Editor and Sound Filer which
       require audio I/O hardware for recording or playback will
       run on IRIS Indigo2, Indy, Indigo, 4D/35, and 4D/30 (with
       audio card) workstations. These tools include Sound Editor
       and Sound Filer. Some of the sound tools which perform audio
       file conversion such as aifcresample and aifccompress
       require no audio I/O hardware and will run on any IRIS

       CD Manager requires IRIS audio I/O hardware and a SCSI CD-
       ROM option drive. DAT Manager requires IRIS audio I/O
       hardware and a SCSI DAT option drive.

       The movie tools will run on any Silicon Graphicsr platform.
       On systems without audio support, movies are played back
       silently.  Capture Tool will record audio input on any IRIS
       workstation which runs the other audio tools. Capture Tool
       will record video input on Indy workstations or Indigo2
       workstations with a video option board.

                                  - 3 -

       1.3  On-Line_Release_Notes

       After you install the on-line documentation for a product
       (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on
       your screen.

       If you have a graphics system, select ``Release Notes'' from
       the Tools submenu of the Toolchest. This displays the
       grelnotes(1) graphical browser for the on-line release

       Refer to the grelnotes(1) man page for information on
       options to this command.

       If you do not have a graphics system, you can use the
       relnotes command.  Refer to the relnotes(1) man page for
       accessing the on-line release notes.

       1.4  Product_Support

       Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product
       support maintenance program for its products.

       If you are in North America and would like support for your
       Silicon Graphics-supported products, contact the Technical
       Assistance Center at

       If you are outside North America, contact the Silicon
       Graphics subsidiary or authorized distributor in your


                                  - 1 -

       2.  Installation_Information

       This chapter lists product-specific information supplemental
       to the IRIS Software Installation Guide.  Use it with the
       Installation Guide to install this product.

       2.1  Digital_Media_Tools_(dmedia_tools)_Subsystems

       The Digital Media Tools can be found in the dmedia_tools
       software images.

       The following subsystems are included in dmedia_tools:

       dmedia_tools.sw.soundtools Tools for sound recording,
                                  playback, and conversion.
                                  Includes Sound Editor, Sound
                                  Filer, and several command-line
                                  utility programs: aiff2aifc,
                                  aifc2aiff, aifccompress,
                                  aifcdecompress, aifcinfo,
                                  aifcresample, and others.

       dmedia_tools.man.soundtools Manual pages for the sound

       dmedia_tools.sw.cddat      CD Manager (audio CD playback)
                                  and DAT Manager (audio DAT

       dmedia_tools.man.cddat     Manual pages which describe CD
                                  Manager, DAT Manager, and the CD
                                  and DAT audio data formats.

       dmedia_tools.data.prosonus Collection of digitally-sampled
                                  audio sound files provided by
                                  Prosonus.  The library includes
                                  ambient sounds, instrument
                                  samples, music tags, and sound
                                  effects.  This subsystem is the
                                  same as that first provided in
                                  IRIX 4.0.1.  It is included in
                                  Digital Media Tools as a
                                  convenience for those who haven't
                                  already installed it.

       dmedia_tools.man.prosonus  Manual page describing the
                                  Prosonus sound sample library.

       dmedia_tools.sw.movietools Tools for movie capture,
                                  playback, and conversion.
                                  Includes Movie Player, Movie

                                  - 2 -

                                  Maker, Capture Tool, and

       dmedia_tools.data.movies   Two sample movie files:
                                  "somersault.mv" and

       dmedia_tools.man.movietools Manual pages for the movie

       dmedia_tools.man.relnotes  Release notes for the digital
                                  media tools.

       dmedia_tools.books.MediaTls_UG On-line Insight Digital Media
                                  Tools User's Guide and Insight-
                                  based SGI Help information for
                                  the digital media tools.

       2.2  Digital_Media_Tools_Subsystem_Disk_Space_Requirements

       This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes) of the
       Digital Media Tools.

       If you are installing this option for the first time, the
       subsystems marked ``default'' are those that are installed
       if you use the ``go'' menu item.  To install a different set
       of subsystems, use the ``install,'' ``remove,'' ``keep,''
       and ``step'' commands in inst to customize the list of
       subsystems to be installed, then select the ``go'' menu

       Note:  The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
              the IRIS Software Installation Guide for information
              on finding exact sizes.

       Subsystem Name                             Subsystem Size
                                                  (512-byte blocks)

       dmedia_tools.sw.soundtools(default)               2708
       dmedia_tools.man.soundtools(default)                41

       dmedia_tools.sw.cddat (default)                   2075
       dmedia_tools.man.cddat (default)                    80

       dmedia_tools.sw.movietools (default)             10520
       dmedia_tools.man.movietools (default)               23

       dmedia_tools.data.prosonus (default)             21929
       dmedia_tools.man.prosonus (default)                 10

                                  - 3 -

       dmedia_tools.data.movies (default)                1204

       dmedia_tools.man.relnotes (default)                 46
       dmedia_tools.books.MediaTls_UG (default)         XXXX

       2.3  Installation_Method

       The Digital Media Tools can be installed from IRIX.  Refer
       to the IRIS Software Installation Guide for complete
       installation instructions.

       IRIX 5.2 system software must be installed to run the
       Digital Media Tools subsystems.


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       3.  Sound_Tools

       This chapter lists information about the sound tools in the
       Digital Media Tools set, including changes and additions
       since the last release, bug fixes, known problems, and
       documentation errors. The following audio tools are included
       in the Digital Media Tools set:

          o Sound Filer/Sound File Utility Programs

          o Sound Editor

          o CD Manager/DAT Manager

          o AIFF-C File Utility Programs

          o Prosonus Sound Sample Library

       3.1  Sound_Filer/Sound_File_Utility_Programs

       Sound Filer is a graphical, easy-to-use utility for browsing
       and auditioning sound files, and for converting among sound
       file formats, data formats, and sampling rates.  Currently
       supported sound formats are:

          o aifc    AIFF-C file format

          o aiff    AIFF file format

          o next    NeXT/Sunr Format

          o wave    Microsoftr RIFF WAVE Format

       The supported data formats are raw signed or unsigned pulse
       code modulation, mu-law, and floating point.

       You can invoke Sound Filer from the command-line with the
       command soundfiler.  See the man page soundfiler(1) or Sound
       Filer's on-line help for more information.

       There are also three utility programs that provide similar
       functionality from the command line:

          o sfinfo displays information about the contents of a
            sound file.  Refer to the man page sfinfo(1) for more

          o sfplay plays audio files in any of the above standard
            formats.  Refer to the man page sfplay(1) for more

                                  - 2 -

          o sfconvert supports the file conversions described
            above.  Refer to the man page sfconvert(1) for more

       3.1.1  Changes_and_Additions  This section lists
       changes/additions to Sound Filer since the last release.

          o None.

       3.1.2  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds  This section lists
       known problems in Sound Filer and ways to work around them.

          o When Sound Filer converts between AIFF-C and AIFF
            files, it deletes many of the auxiliary header fields,
            such as author string, sampler parameters, and
            application-specific data.  To convert between AIFF-C
            and AIFF files, use the programs aiff2aifc and
            aifc2aiff described in Section 3.5.1.

          o Sound Filer does not yet support the standard audio
            compression algorithms registered by Silicon Graphics
            for use with AIFF-C files. To compress or decompress
            AIFF-C audio data, use aifccompress and aifcdecompress
            described in Section XXXXX.  To directly play or record
            files that contain compressed audio data, use playaifc
            and recordaifc, which are installed from

          o sfconvert now writes little-endian integer sample
            files, but it does not yet write little-endian
            floating-point output files.  Currently, the only file
            format that requires little-endian support is WAVE, and
            it does not support floating point samples, so this is
            an issue only when transferring raw floating point data
            files between an SGI platform and a little-endian

          o Sound Filer's convert window does not currently have a
            selection for big- or little-endian.  AIFF-C, AIFF,
            Next/Sun, and raw data files are assumed to contain
            big-endian data. WAVE files are assumed to contain
            little-endian data.  To read or write little-endian raw
            data, use sfconvert.

          o Use the program aifcinfo, described in Section 3.5.1,
            to obtain a more detailed description of the audio data
            and auxiliary information stored in an AIFF-C or AIFF
            file than the description supplied by sfinfo.  Note
            that aifcinfo understands only AIFF-C and AIFF files,
            while sfinfo understands several additional formats.

                                  - 3 -

       3.2  Sound_Editor

       Sound Editor (invoked from the command line as soundeditor)
       is a Motif application for recording and editing soundfiles
       in AIFF/C format.  This program requires a Silicon Graphics
       system with digital audio hardware components.  A graphic
       display of the audio stream data is presented along with
       word-processing-style commands for manipulation.  Sound
       segments can be cut, copied, pasted, or mixed by marking a
       region with the mouse and invoking the proper command.
       Additional functions are provided to modify levels and to
       perform fades and special effects.

       You can customize the appearance of Sound Editor by altering
       its Motif application defaults file, SoundEditor, in the
       directory /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults.

       See your Motif/X11 documentation regarding use of the
       application defaults file.

       3.2.1  Bug_Fixes  This section lists the bugs fixed since
       the previous release.

          o The audio waveform is now displayed right side up
            (correct polarity).

          o The wave display is correctly cleared after File New

          o Fade-in and out curve changed from linear to more
            natural-sounding exponential.

          o Clipping of sample overflow values properly

          o Louder and softer operations are exactly complementary.

          o Fixed problem of core dump when dismissing File Browser

          o Fixed problem of core dump when screen13 font not

       3.2.2  Changes_and_Additions  This section lists
       changes/additions to Sound Editor since its previous

          o Selection of edit regions using mouse click-and-drag
            changed to be compatible with standard style used by
            word-processing applications.

                                  - 4 -

          o User interface streamlined by removing meter window and
            other non-essential buttons.

          o Improved zoom functionality with ability to specify
            exact timespan for wave view.

          o Handles four channel audio files.

       3.2.3  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds  This section lists
       problems in SoundEditor and ways to work around them.

          o SoundEditor can edit only AIFF/C format soundfiles with
            a sample width of 16-bits.  Other types of files must
            first be converted using the soundfile utility

          o Selection operations using the mouse occasionally will
            leave lines in the wave display that appear to be

          o At certain zoom levels, the wave display will show
            aliasing artifacts.

          o It is possible to create a situation where the time
            ruler line in the wave display disappears temporarily.

          o Under certain conditions, the keyboard accelerators can
            become disabled.  Bringing up the menu containing the
            desired command usually corrects this situation.

          o When altering the selected region during repeat play,
            it is possible for the play region to lag behind the
            user's input or sometimes play material outside the
            marked region.  This behavior normally corrects itself
            after cycling through the marked play region.

       See the man page soundeditor(1) and Sound Editor's on-line
       help for additional information.

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       3.3  CD_Manager_and_DAT_Manager

       CD Manager and DAT Manager, invoked from the command line as
       cdman and datman, allow you to play audio CDs and DAT tapes
       on the IRIS SCSI CD-ROM and DAT drives.  The audio is played
       through the IRIS audio hardware.

       CD Manager and DAT Manager also let you copy data from CD or
       tape to a disk file in the computer's file system.  Any such
       copying is, of course, subject to copyright law.

       DAT Manager is a recorder as well as a player.  It can
       record data coming from the IRIS audio hardware or from a
       file in the computer's file system.  The tapes recorded and
       played by DAT Manager are compatible with commercial DAT

       CD Manager and DAT Manager are actually the same program.
       The name used to invoke the program, or a command-line
       option, determines whether the program runs as CD Manager or
       as DAT Manager.

       3.3.1  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds  This section lists
       problems in the CD Manager/DAT Manager software and ways to
       work around them.

          o Neither CD Manager nor DAT Manager lets you cue to an
            index on a CD or tape.

          o The only nonaudio data DAT Manager currently records is
            program number and absolute time code.  This means that
            DAT Manager does not record program time.  There is
            currently no way to renumber the programs on a tape or
            to erase a program number.

          o DAT Manager displays uncorrected frame numbers when
            playing back a tape recorded with SMPTE time code in
            place of running time.

          o When recording to a file from DAT Manager, the sampling
            rate stored in the AIFF-C file header is the rate of
            the most recently played portion of the DAT.  This
            means that given a DAT that has programs recorded at
            different sampling rates, DAT Manager might create a
            file with the wrong sampling rate if you have just
            played a program with a different sampling rate from
            the program about to be recorded.

            Workaround: When recording to disk from a DAT that
            contains programs with different sampling rates, use
            separate AIFF-C files for the different programs.  When

                                  - 6 -

            you are about to record a DAT program to disk that has
            a different sampling rate from the last program you
            played, first play a portion of the new program.  Then,
            rewind to the beginning of the program and begin
            recording to an AIFF-C file.

          o The music catalog function is not currently implemented
            for tapes because so few of them have the table of
            contents necessary to uniquely identify a tape.

       3.4  AIFF-C_Utility_Programs

       Beginning with the IRIX 4.0.1 software release, Silicon
       Graphics introduced AIFF-C (Audio Interchange File Format
       with Compression extensions) as its standard audio
       interchange file format.  The AIFF-C format is an extended
       version of the AIFF format, supported by Silicon Graphics
       and Apple digital media applications.  AIFF-C files can
       store either compressed audio data or standard linear PCM
       data, and optionally include header fields that store many
       kinds of additional information such as text, sample
       parameters, sample frame markers, and application-defined

       In the Digital Media Tools package, the digital media tools
       that import audio data from disk files are now capable of
       reading both AIFF-C and AIFF files.  All of the standard
       Silicon Graphics digital media tools that save audio data to
       files now generate AIFF-C files by default.

       Digital Media Tools includes a number of new command-line
       utility programs that allow you to record, play back, and
       convert files in the AIFF-C format. These programs differ
       from the Sound Filer utilities described in Section 3.2 in
       that they are designed for working exclusively with AIFF-C
       and AIFF files.  The AIFF-C conversion utilities described
       in Section 3.5.1 preserve the auxiliary nonaudio data (loop
       points, author string, application-specific data) stored in
       the various optional AIFF-C (AIFF) header fields.

       The AIFF-C utility programs are built on top of the Silicon
       Graphics Audio File Library, and support the audio
       compression algorithms for AIFF-C, which are built into the
       library (CCITT G.711 and CCITT G.722). 4DGifts source code
       for each of the utilities (except for aifcresample, which
       contains proprietary high-quality rate-conversion code) is
       included in the IRIS Digital Media Development Option

                                  - 7 -

       3.4.1  Changes_and_Additions  This section lists
       changes/additions to the AIFF-C (and AIFF) utility programs
       since their last release.

          o None

       3.4.2  Bug_Fixes  This section lists the bugs fixed since
       the last release of the AIFF utility programs.

          o aifcresample now outputs a compressed file for
            compressed input files.

       3.4.3  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds  This section lists
       known problems in the AIFF-C (AIFF) utility programs and
       ways to work around them.

          o G.722 compression or decompression is CPU-intensive. To
            record or play back an AIFF-C file that contains mono
            or stereo audio data compressed using the G.722
            algorithm, you might have to run recordaifc or playaifc
            with nondegrading high priority.  See the man page
            npri(1) for information about how to do this.  An
            alternative is to record and play standard linear PCM
            sample data into AIFF-C files, and compress/decompress
            the data when necessary using aifccompress and

          o None of the AIFF-C conversion programs recognize the
            comment-marker chunk described in the AIFF-C
            specification.  This chunk disappears when a file is
            converted using one of the utilities.

          o The AIFF-C utility programs are not able to decode the
            Apple proprietary audio compression schemes (ACE/MAC
            algorithms) described in the AIFF-C specification.

            Workaround: Always uncompress AIFF-C files before
            transferring them from a Macintosh to an SGI platform.

          o aifcresample does not modify the optional AES channel
            status information in the AIFF-C file header to reflect
            the new sampling rate.

            Workaround: If the AES channel status information says
            the audio data should be played at one rate, and the
            AIFF-C (AIFF) file header says the audio data should be
            played at another rate, go with sampling rate in the
            file header.


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       4.  Movie_Tools

       This chapter lists information about the Movie Player, Movie
       Maker, and Make Movie tools in the Digital Media Tools set,
       including known problems.  The movie tools are:

          o Movie Player

          o Movie Maker

          o Make Movie

       All of these tools can now read QuickTime (TM) movies.
       Although neither Movie Maker nor Make Movie can write
       QuickTime movies yet.

       Please read chapter 5 for more detailed information about
       the Capture tool.

       4.1  Movie_Player

       Movie Player (invoked from the command line as movieplayer)
       is a graphical tool that allows you to play back movie
       files. Movie files can be created using Movie Maker, Make
       Movie, or Capture (see below). Movies can be silent or
       include a soundtrack.

       See the man page movieplayer(1) or Movie Player's on-line
       help for more information.

       A sample SGI movie file, somersault.mv, can be found in
       /usr/share/data/movies. A sample QuickTime movie sampleQT.mv
       is there too.

                                  - 2 -

       4.1.1  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds  This section lists
       problems in the Movie Player software and ways to work
       around them.

          o The movie format version number has been increased to
            3. Movies made or edited with this release of Movie
            Maker might not play or might play incorrectly with the
            previous version of Movie Player.  However, the current
            version of Movie Player plays all versions (1, 2 and 3)
            of movies correctly.

          o Movie Player does not work correctly over the network.
            The user interface and images will display on the local
            machine, but the audio will play on the remote machine.

          o Movie Player does not support the playback of FIT image
            sequences in this release. You can work around this
            problem by using Movie Maker or Make Movie to convert
            your FIT images to SGI Movie format.

          o The -D option of Movie Player does not work. It is
            supposed to make Movie Player be double buffered.

          o MoviePlayer will allow the user to invoke apanel on
            machines without audio.

          o If you try to play a very large movie, such as one that
            is full screen, the image will not display correctly if
            it is zoomed at all.

       4.1.2  Changes_from_previous_Movie_Player  This section
       lists the changes in the functionality and interface of
       Movie Player from the version shipped with IRIX 4.0.5.

          o Movie Player can now play QuickTime movies that use
            Apple's "Animation" or "Video" compression.

          o Movie Player 2.0 has been reimplemented as an X/Motif
            application. To avoid conflicts with the standard X
            toolkit options the command line options "-n", "-s" and
            "-d" have been renamed to "-N", "-W" and "-D"

          o The scrollbar for rapidly moving to an arbitrary frame
            in the movie has been replaced by a control triangle on
            the movie itself. Use the left mouse button (button 1)
            to click and drag the triangle to move the movie.

          o The accelerator keys for zooming have been changed to
            z for zooming up and d for zooming

                                  - 3 -

          o Movie Player can play movies that have been compressed
            using MVC2 which is a compression alogirhtm which
            allows for faster playback of movies.

          o Movie Player can now play black and white movies and
            movies with 8 bit RGB data.

       4.1.3  Bug_Fixes  This section lists the bugs fixed since
       the last release of the Movie Player.

          o Movie Player did not work on any mulit-processor
            machine in the IRIX 5.1 release. It now works on

       4.2  Movie_Maker

       Movie Maker (invoked from the command line as moviemaker) is
       a graphical tool for creating and editing movies.  Movies
       can include images from IRIS ImageVision Library image
       files, sound from audio files, and images and sound from
       movie files.

       Either sound or silent movies can be created.  Movie Maker
       includes cut, copy, and paste editing capabilities for movie

       On-line help is available describing in detail how to go
       about creating and editing movies.

       4.2.1  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds  This section lists
       problems in the Movie Maker software and ways to work around

          o Optimizing a movie requires copying the movie file,
            which can take a significant amout of disk space.  If
            there is not enough, Movie Maker will report this fact
            and leave the movie unoptimized.

          o The Undo command is still not supported in this

          o When previewing a movie, the commands under the Edit
            menu are greyed out. However, the speed key shortcuts
            are still active. Avoid using the speed keys when
            previewing the movie.

          o Movie Maker behaves unintuitively when inserting just
            audio or just image frames into an existing movie. You
            would expect that it would move the existing audio and
            image data together to maintain the syncronization.

                                  - 4 -

            However, only the data in the track that you are
            inserting into gets moved. To workaround, you need to
            insert an equal amount of the other data.

       4.2.2  Changes_from_the_previous_Movie_Maker  This section
       lists the changes in the interface of Movie Maker from the
       4.0.5 version.

          o Movie Maker can read, but not edit, QuickTime movies
            that use Apple's "Animation" and "Video" compression.
            All or part of a QuickTime movie can be exported as an
            SGI movie file for editing.

          o Movie Maker now edits movies in place.  This means that
            any changes made to the movie are immediately reflected
            in the movie file.  The advantage of this change is
            that much less disk space is required for editing

          o All of the command-line options for creating movies
            have been taken out of Movie Maker.  The new
            application Make Movie should be used for creating
            movies from the command line.

          o Movies stored in older SGI movie formats (versions 1
            and 2) will be automatically converted to the current
            version (3) when they are edited.

       4.3  Make_Movie

       Make Movie (invoked from the command line as makemovie), is
       a simple command that can be used to create movies from the
       shell from inside a shell script.  It can take IRIS
       ImageVision Library image files, audio files, and existing
       movies and merge them into one movie file.

       Common uses of makemovie are:

          o making a movie from a sequence of rendered images,
            along with a sound track, and

          o translating a QuickTime movie into an SGI movie.

       The man page for makemovie lists all of the available
       options and includes some examples of how to use it.


                                  - 1 -

       5.  Capture_Tool

       This chapter lists information about the capture tool in the
       Media Tools set.

       5.1  Capture_Tool

       The Capture Tool (invoked from the command line as capture)
       is a graphical tool that allows you to record audio files,
       movie files or still images from the camera or other video
       source and microphone.

       Currently, the still image capture and movie capture modes
       of the Capture tool work on either an Indy workstation or
       Indigo2 workstation with any SGI video option board.

       See the man page capture(1) or the Capture Tool's on-line
       help for more information.

       5.1.1  Changes_and_Additions  This section lists changes and
       additions to the Capture tool since the IRIX 5.1 release.
       Capture has had a lot of work since its first release. It is
       much more stable and has better image quality and

          o An Image Quality button was added to the movie capture
            mode so that the user can choose between high and lower
            quality images. The high quality images record about
            twice the amount of data, so expect a lower frame rate.
            Previously, Capture only supported grabbing 8 bit

          o The user interface layout and wording has been changed
            especially on the Settings panels.

          o Error reporting has been greatly enhanced to handle out
            of disk space problems as well as frame rate issues.
            The user gets a clear message when the specified frame
            rate is unattainable.

          o The code has been optimized to attain the highest
            possible frame rate given the frame size and image
            quality settings.

       5.1.2  Bug_Fixes  Many, many bugs in Capture have been fixed
       -- too numerous to list.  It's almost like a new tool.

       5.1.3  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds  This section lists
       known problems in the Capture Tool.

                                  - 2 -

          o When in audio mode, it is possible to get the audio
            window in a mode where it can not be resized.  To fix
            this, switch to video mode and back to audio.

          o The default cropping in video is supposed to include
            the entire image, but sometimes it is one pixel off.
            If this is bothersome, you can reset it by bringing up
            the Settings panel, picking "Square Frame" from the
            crop area option menu, and then choosing "Full Frame"
            from the same menu.

          o Sometimes, no sound will be recorded, and no waveform
            will appear in the audio mode.  To fix, bring up the
            Audio Control Panel (invoked from the command line as
            apanel), and click on and off the Monitor button.  You
            should also make sure you have the input source set
            correctly (to use the microphone, select Mic from the
            Input menu).

          o Since the system has limited video resources, it is
            best to avoid running more than one application that
            uses video.  In particular, you shouldn't run Live
            Video Input (videoin from the command line) at the same
            time as running capture.  Nor should you attempt to run
            two instances of capture.

          o It can take up to a second or two for video to start or
            stop recording after you press the Record button.

          o Don't attempt to record a movie with a Movie Frame Rate
            higher than 30 frames per second.

          o The Capture Tool creates large temporary directories to
            hold the raw data when creating movies. Sometimes these
            directories are not removed when capture exits. Since
            the directories begin with a period, ".", you must use
            "ls -a" to see them. Only remove Capture's temporary
            directories when Capture is not running.

          o When the video input timing switches between PAL and
            NTSC, Capture will not always display the correct crop
            area. It might specify that "No Crop" is selected,
            however the red crop outline will not be full screen.
            To workaround, reset the crop to "No Crop".

          o If the frame rate on Capture is set to less than 1
            frame per second, sometimes Capture will abort movie
            creation after a short period of time. Avoid setting
            fractional frame rates.

                                  - 3 -

          o It is possible to create movies using Capture, that are
            not possible to play back. For example, a full sized,
            uncompressed movie, with a high frame rate might be
            impossible to play because of disk IO or CPU
            limitations. Try to limit the size and image quality to
            match the capbilities of the machine on which you want
            to play the movie.

          o Sometimes when previewing a movie, the cursor stays in
            as a "stretch" cursor. It reverts back to the pointer
            at the end of the preview.

          o Capture doesn't work well when capturing audio data and
            the input and/or output sampling rates are set to