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elec_svcs Release Notes

elec_svcs Release Notes

1 Introduction

2 Installation Information

3 Changes and Additions

4 Bug Fixes

5 Known Problems and Workarounds


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       1.  Introduction

       Electronic Services is a family of support tools that
       provides you with immediate, online access to product,
       support, and technical information and services.

       These tools include:

          o escall
            This program is used to log calls with SGI and monitor
            open calls.  This is the utility which the user will
            use the most.

          o espro
            This program is used to review and update customer
            database information.  A customer can look at their
            address, serial numbers, etc. using this tool.  A
            request to change the information can also be made.

          o esreg
            This program is used to register and obtain a user ID
            and password from SGI.  This must be done once by each
            user.  The user ID and password are required to access
            SGI and open new calls.

          o esinst
            This program is used to configure the site's server.
            This is only run once and sets up entries in the
            /etc/hosts file.  If using a modem, it also sets up
            modem, SLIP, and UUCP files.

          o callsvr
            This program is run in the background on the site's
            server machine.  It listens for requests from clients
            and forwards the requests to the SGI server.  It also
            maintains a central database of call information for
            the site.


       Please see the release notes for the elec_svcs_server
       product for information on the required setup and
       installation of the server portion of Electronic Services.

       Electronic Services is a group of server and user interface
       programs that allow you to electronically connect with
       Silicon Graphics' Customer Support group.

       Currently available services allow you to submit and monitor
       problem reports directly with the Technical Assistence
       Center, and to display and update certain information

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       maintained in the Silicon Graphics' customer information
       database.  This direct link lets you use the full
       capabilities of the workstation in submitting information,
       for example:

          o Cutting and pasting text

          o UNIXr file inclusion

          o System information

       This document contains the following chapters:

         1.  Introduction

         2.  Installation Information

         3.  Changes and Additions

         4.  Bug Fixes

         5.  Known Problems and Workarounds

       Note:  Packaged with these release notes is a separate sheet
              that contains the Software License Agreement.  This
              software is provided to you solely under the terms
              and conditions of the Software License Agreement.
              Please take a few moments to review the Agreement.

       1.1  Release_Identification_Information

       Following is the release identification information for
       Electronic Services:

       Software Option Product        Electronic Services

       Version                        1.2.1
       Product Code                   SC4-SUPADV

       System Software Requirements   4D1-5.2

       1.2  On-Line_Release_Notes

       After you install the on-line documentation for a product
       (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on
       your screen.  Select ``Release Notes'' from the Tools
       submenu of the Toolchest.  This displays the grelnotes(1)
       graphical browser for the on-line release notes.

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       Refer to the grelnotes(1) man page for information on
       options to this command.

       1.3  Product_Support

       Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product
       support maintenance program for its products.

       If you are in North America and would like support for your
       Silicon Graphics-supported products, contact the Technical
       Assistance Center at

       If you are outside North America, contact the Silicon
       Graphics subsidiary or authorized distributor in your


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       2.  Installation_Information

       This chapter lists information supplemental to the IRIS
       Software Installation Guide.  The information listed here is
       product-specific; use it with the Installation Guide to
       install this product.

       2.1  Electronic_Services_Subsystems

       The Electronic Services product family includes the
       following subsystems:

       elec_svcs.books.help     Electronic Services On-Line Help

       elec_svcs.man.crpt       Electronic Services Crash Report
                                man pages

       elec_svcs.man.escall     Electronic Services Call Logging
                                man pages

       elec_svcs.man.espro      Electronic Services Customer
                                Profile man pages

       elec_svcs.man.esreg      Electronic Services Registration
                                man pages

       elec_svcs.man.relnotes   The online version of these release

       elec_svcs.sw.escall      Electronic Services Call Logging

       elec_svcs.sw.espro       Electronic Services Customer
                                Profile software

       2.2  Electronic_Services_Subsystem_Disk_Space_Requirements

       This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes) of the
       Electronic Services option.

       If you are installing this option for the first time, the
       subsystems marked ``default'' are the ones that are
       installed if you use the ``go'' menu item.  To install a
       different set of subsystems, use the ``install,''
       ``remove,'' ``keep,'' and ``step'' commands in inst to
       customize the list of subsystems to be installed, then
       select the ``go'' menu item.

       Note:  The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
              the IRIS Software Installation Guide for information

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              on finding exact sizes.

       Subsystem Name                     Subsystem Size
                                          (512-byte blocks)

       elec_svcs.books.help                      675

       elec_svcs.man.crpt (default)                5

       elec_svcs.man.escall (default)              5

       elec_svcs.man.espro (default)               5

       elec_svcs.man.esreg (default)               5

       elec_svcs.man.relnotes (default)           20

       elec_svcs.sw.escall (default)            1505

       elec_svcs.sw.espro (default)             1605

       2.3  Installation_Method

       All of the subsystems for Electronic Services can be
       installed using IRIX.  You do not need to use the miniroot.
       Refer to the IRIS Software Installation Guide for complete
       installation instructions.

       2.4  Prerequisites

       Your workstation must be running at least IRIX release 4D1-
       5.2 to use release 1.2.1 of this product.

       For further information, refer to the crpt(1), escall(1),
       espro(1), and esreg(1) man pages.

       2.5  After_Installation

       The software will create 2 icons on the IconCatalog
       "Applications" page, one for escall and one for espro.

       You will also need to find out from your system
       administrator which server machine you are going to use, and
       set the environment variable CALLSVR to that machine name.

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       If you are using bourne shell or korn shell, you will need
       to add the following line to your ~/.profile file:

       export CALLSVR=server-machine-name

       If you are using C-shell, you will need to add the following
       line to your ~/.login file:

       setenv CALLSVR server-machine-name

       Then you will need to logout and login again for the changes
       to take affect, if accessing the programs from desktop

       If this environment variable is not set, the default will be
       localhost (the same machine on which the clients are
       running).  Please see the manual page for the callsvr(1)
       program for more detail on the setup of the server.


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       3.  Changes_and_Additions

          o One new utility program available for use with Call
            Logging is crpt(1), a kernel core file report
            generator.  This program's output may be submitted as
            additional information with the Call Logging program,
            as an attachment.  See the crpt(1) man page for

          o The escall(1) Call Logging program now has the
            capability to launch the user's editor of choice to
            modify Problem Description information.  The editor
            used is determined by the setting of the WINEDITOR
            environment variable, or, if this variable is not set,
            /usr/sbin/jot is used.

          o The escall(1) Call Logging program now allows binary
            files to be attached with Problem Description
            information (using the 'Attachments ...' button).


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       4.  Bug_Fixes

          o Binary attachments
            In the escall(1) Call Logging program, binary files may
            now be submitted as attachments.

          o Simultaneous escall(1) executions, with attachments
            Multiple simultaneous users on the same machine may now
            attach the exact same file (identical absolute path)
            with no name collision problems.  A temporary directory
            is now created in the '/usr/tmp' directory, with a name
            of esXXXXXX, for each invocation of the attachment
            dialog.  This directory is removed on the successful
            transmission of the attachments, or if the function or
            call is cancelled.


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       5.  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds

       This chapter describes the known problems with the current
       release of the Electronic Services product and how to work
       around them.

          o escall - Attachment information not saved during the
            ``Save to file'' function
            When saving entered call information to a file, main
            window fields values are saved, but any attachments
            that were requested in the attachment dialog are not.
            Workaround: Reenter these attachments after loading the
            other field information.

          o espro - Long address information
            Certain very long address lines may not fit into the
            allowed address fields.  In this case, you may submit a
            message to SGI with the message facility.