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fddivis Release Notes

fddivis Release Notes

1 Introduction

2 Installation Information

3 Additional Information


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       1.  Introduction

       This document describes the FDDIVisualyzer release 3.4.

       Note:  Packaged with these release notes is a separate sheet
              that contains the Software License Agreement.  This
              software is provided to you solely under the terms
              and conditions of the Software License Agreement.
              Please take a few moments to review the Agreement.

       This document contains the following chapters:

        1.  Introduction

        2.  Installation Information

        3.  Additional Information

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       1.1  Release_Identification_Information

       Following is the release identification information for

       Software Option Product        FDDIVisualyzer

       Version                        3.4
       Product Code                   SC4-FDDIVis-3.4

       System Software Requirements   IRIX 5.2

       1.2  On-Line_Release_Notes

       When you install the online documentation for a product,
       (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on
       your screen.

       If you have a graphics system, select "Release Notes" from
       the Tools submenu of the ToolChest. This displays the
       grelnotes(1) graphical browser for the on-line release

       If you have a nongraphics system, you can use the relnotes
       command. Refer to the relnotes(1) man page for accessing the
       online release notes.

       Note:  You can read the online release notes for most
              products before installing the software.  Refer to
              the booklet in your CD-ROM case for more information.

       1.3  Product_Support

       Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product
       support and maintenance program for its products.  If you
       are in the Unites States of America or Canada and would like
       support for your Silicon Graphics-supported products,
       contact the Technical Assistance Center at 1-800-800-4SGI.

       If you are outside the U.S.A. or Canada, contact the Silicon
       Graphics subsidiary or authorized distributor in your


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       2.  Installation_Information

       This chapter lists supplemental information to the IRIS
       Software Installation Guide.  The information listed here is

       2.1  General_Information

       This section contains information that is useful during the
       software installation process.

       2.1.1  FDDIVisualyzer_Subsystems  Following is a description
       of the FDDIVisualyzer subsystems:

       fddivis.sw.fddivis                      FDDIVisualyzer

       fddivis.man.fddivis                     FDDIVisualyzer
                                               manual pages

       fddivis.man.relnotes                    FDDIVisualyzer
                                               release notes

       2.1.2  FDDIVisualyzer_Subsystem_Disk_Use  This section lists
       the subsystems (and their sizes) of the FDDIVisualyzer
       option.  All of these subsystems are installed when you
       install FDDIVisualyzer using the install fddivis and go
       commands of the inst program.

       Note:  The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
              the IRIS Software Installation Guide for information
              on finding exact sizes.

       Subsystem Name                Subsystem Size
                                     (512-byte blocks)

       fddivis.sw.fddivis                   1518
       fddivis.man.fddivis                     9

       fddivis.man.relnotes                   15

       2.1.3  Installation_Method  All of the subsystems for
       FDDIVisualyzer can be installed using IRIX.  You do not need
       to use the miniroot.

       2.1.4  Prerequisites

       FDDIXPress.sw.FDDIXPress                FDDIXPress software

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       eoe1.sw.unix                            Operating system
                                               IRIX 5.2 (or later)

       2.2  Installing_the_Software

       Use the IRIX installation method to install the FDDIXPress
       software.  Step-by-step instructions are provided below.

       Note:  More detailed explanations about the IRIX
              installation method are located in the IRIS Software
              Installation Guide. You may find the following
              sections especially useful: 4.2 and 4.7.6.

              If you are not sure how to use inst, Chapter 5 in the
              IRIS Software Installation Guide provides details.

         1.  In a shell window, become superuser:
             % su
             Password: thepassword

         2.  Invoke the inst utility with the command below:
             # inst
              {the inst menu appears}

         3.  When the inst prompt appears (Inst>), use the from
             command to indicate the location of the FDDIVisualyzer
             software.  Table 10-3 in the IRIS Software
             Installation Guide summarizes the entries for this

             The command below can be used when the location is a
             local CD-ROM:
             Inst> from /CDROM/dist

         4.  When you are ready to install FDDIVisualyzer, use the
             command below to prepare for installation:
             Inst> install fddivis

         5.  Then use the command below to install the software:
             Inst> go

         6.  When the installation completes successfully, quit:
             Inst> quit


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       3.  Additional_Information

       3.1  Notes_on_Operational_Parameters

       The following items describe some of FDDIVisualyzer's more
       interesting operational parameters:

          o This release of FDDIVisualyzer supports the SMT 7.2
            ``unknown address'' type (00-f8-00-00-00-00).

          o Service registration for this release is renewed every
            10 minutes.

       3.2  Additions_and_Changes

       This section describes additions and changes in this

          o A problem with registration (generation of NIF frames)
            immediately following clock resets has been fixed.

          o Timestamp displays for the SMT statisitcs have been
            changed so that values over one day old can be
            interpreted correctly.

          o FDDIVisualyzer has been made more robust in its
            response to changes in the system's time (clock).

       3.3  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds

       This section describes limitations and known problems with
       FDDIVisualyzer release 3.4.

          o To quit the Help window in the Display, Capture,
            Tutorial, or Status Mode, you must be in that mode.

          o If the NIF information collected has too many unknown
            or incorrect values, FDDIVisualyzer becomes confused
            and draws an incorrect ring map.

          o If there are cascaded concentrators in a ring,
            FDDIVisualyzer has difficulty determining to which
            concentrator a slave station is attached.

          o If ``token display'' is on, window pop-up menu
            selection is difficult because the pop-up menu is
            overwritten by the overlay plane redraw.

          o FDDIVisualyzer gets confused by ``tree mode'' dual MAC
            concentrators.  In the presence of dual MAC
            concentrators, FDDIVisualyzer may report the

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            connectivity of the last child of the concentrator as
            unhealthy even if the last child's connectivity is