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nfs Release Notes

nfs Release Notes

1 Introduction

2 Installation Information

3 Changes and Additions

4 Bug Fixes

5 Known Problems and Workarounds

6 Documentation Errors


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       1.  Introduction

       This document describes the features of Release 5.2 of the
       Network File System (NFSr) software option for IRIX. The NFS
       option includes the network information service (NIS) and
       Diskless Workstation software.

       Note:  Packaged with your software is a separate sheet that
              contains the Software License Agreement.  This
              software is provided to you solely under the terms
              and conditions of the Software License Agreement.
              Please take a few moments to review the Agreement.

       This document contains the following chapters:

        1.  Introduction

        2.  Installation Information

        3.  Changes and Additions

        4.  Bug Fixes

        5.  Known Bugs and Workarounds

        6.  Documentation Errors

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       1.1  Release_Identification_Information

       Following is the release identification information for NFS:

       Software Option Product        NFS

       Version                        5.2
       Product Code                   SC4-NFS-5.2

       System Software Requirements   IRIX 5.2 or later

       1.2  On-Line_Release_Notes

       After you install the online documentation for a product
       (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on
       your screen.

       If you have a graphics system, select ``Release Notes'' from
       the Tools submenu of the Toolchest. This displays the
       grelnotes(1) graphical browser for the online release notes.

       Refer to the grelnotes(1) man page for information on
       options to this command.

       If you do not have a graphics system, you can use the
       relnotes command.  Refer to the relnotes(1) man page for
       accessing the online release notes.

       Note:  You can read the online release notes for most
              products before installing the software.  Refer to
              the booklet in your CD-ROM case for more information.

       1.3  Product_Support

       Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product
       support maintenance program for its products.

       If you are in North America and would like support for your
       Silicon Graphics-supported products, contact the Technical
       Assistance Center at

       If you are outside North America, contact the Silicon
       Graphics subsidiary or authorized distributor in your


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       2.  Installation_Information

       This chapter lists supplemental information to the IRISr
       Software Installation Guide.  The information listed here is
       product-specific; use it with the installation guide to
       install this product.

       2.1  NFS_Subsystems

       Following is a description of the NFS subsystems:

       nfs.sw.nfs                  NFS client and server software

       nfs.sw.nis                  NIS (formerly YP) distributed
                                   information software

       nfs.sw.dskless_client       Software that implements
                                   diskless client services.  Do
                                   NOT install this subsystem on
                                   diskfull systems

       nfs.sw.dskless_server       Software that implements
                                   diskless server services

       nfs.sw.dskless_server_405   Software that supports an IRIX
                                   4.0.x diskless implementation on
                                   an IRIX 5.2 server

       nfs.books.NFS_AG            The NFS Administration Guide

       nfs.books.NIS_AG            The NIS Administration Guide

       nfs.man.nfs                 Manual pages for NFS and NIS

       nfs.man.relnotes            Release notes (this document)

       2.2  NFS_Subsystem_Disk_Use

       This section lists the NFS option subsystems and their
       sizes.  Those subsystems marked ``default'' are selected for
       installation in the distribution software. If you are
       installing NFS software for the first time, these subsystems
       are installed if you use the ``go'' menu item from inst.  To
       select a different set of subsystems for installation, use
       inst's ``install,'' ``remove,'' ``keep,'' and ``step''
       commands to customize the selection list. Then, use the
       ``go'' menu item to install the selected subsystems.

       Note:  The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
              the IRIS Software Installation Guide for information

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              on finding exact sizes.

       Subsystem Name               Subsystem Size
                                    (512-byte blocks)

       nfs.sw.nfs (default)               1708
       nfs.sw.nis (default)                982

       nfs.sw.dskless_client              2864
       nfs.sw.dskless_server               252

       nfs.sw.dskless_server_405           859
       nfs.books.NFS_AG (default)         1248

       nfs.books.NIS_AG (default)         1308
       nfs.man.nfs (default)               270

       nfs.man.relnotes (default)           36

       2.3  Installation_Method

       This section lists the installation method for the NFS
       subsystems.  Refer to the IRIS Software Installation Guide
       for complete installation instructions.

       Subsystem Name              Method of Installation
       nfs.sw.nfs                  miniroot

       nfs.sw.nis                  miniroot
       nfs.sw.dskless_client       IRIX

       nfs.sw.dskless_server       IRIX
       nfs.sw.dskless_server_405   IRIX

       nfs.books.NFS_AG            miniroot or IRIX
       nfs.books.NIS_AG            miniroot or IRIX

       nfs.man.nfs                 miniroot or IRIX
       nfs.man.relnotes            miniroot or IRIX

       2.4  Prerequisites

       Your workstation must be running at least release IRIX 5.2
       to use NFS release 5.2. The nfs.sw.nfs and nfs.sw.nfs
       subsystems are prerequisites for running the
       nfs.sw.dskless_client, nfs.sw.dskless_server, and
       nfs.sw.dskless_server_405 subsystems.

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       2.5  Compatibility_for_Diskless_Systems

       A server must be running IRIX 5.2 (or higher) to support
       IRIX 5.2 clients. A server running IRIX 5.2 can support IRIX
       4.0.x clients, but an IRIX 5.2 server cannot support IRIX
       3.2.x or IRIX 3.3.x clients.  Since IRIX 5.2 supports all
       platforms, it does not support installing new IRIX 5.1
       clients.  If this type of installation is required, save
       copies of /var/boot/client_inst and /var/boot/share_inst
       before installing new 5.2 software.  Execute the copies to
       install IRIX 5.1 clients.

       If you plan to maintain IRIX 4.0.x diskless clients on a
       server after the server is upgraded to IRIX 5.2, you must
       modify the pathname to each client's boot file. Use these
       instructions to modify boot files:

         1.  For all workstation models except Indigo R4000's,
             reset the bootfile NVRAM variable. You must reset
             NVRAM variables from the PROM monitor:

             >> setenv bootfile bootp()server:/var/boot/4.X/client/unix

             For Indigo R4000 models, reset the SystemPartition and
             OSLoader variables:

             >> setenv SystemPartition bootp()server:/var/boot/4.X/client
             >> setenv OSLoader /unix

         2.  Reboot the client to reset its NVRAM variables.

       If you want to install new IRIX 4.0.x share or client trees
       on a server after upgrading the server to IRIX 5.2, complete
       these steps:

         1.  Install the nfs.sw.dskless_server_405 subsystem on the

         2.  Use the installation tools in /var/boot/4.X to install
             the share tree, client tree, and swap trees on the
             server.  Refer to the Diskless Workstation
             Administration Guide that accompanied your version
             4.0.x software for instructions (document number 007-

         3.  Set the boot file variables on each client (see the
             previous instructions for setting NVRAM bootfile

                                  - 4 -

       2.6  Installing_Galileo_Boards

       A Galileo board functions as a separate hardware option in a
       client workstation rather than as an integral component of
       the workstation's graphics subsystem. For this reason, you
       do not need to set an architectural variable for clients
       containing a Galileo board.

       2.7  Configuration_Files

       This section lists installed files that can be edited to
       contain site-specific changes. Please see the NFS
       Administration Guide and the NIS Administration Guide for

       The following configuration files determine if a daemon is
       started during system initialization.  A daemon or subsystem
       is enabled if its configuration flag in the /etc/config
       directory is in the ``on'' state.  Use the chkconfig(1M)
       command to turn a flag on or off.

       /etc/config/automount      Start automount(1M).

       /etc/config/lockd          Start lockd(1M) and statd(1M).

       /etc/config/nfs            Start the NFS daemons, export
                                  file systems listed in
                                  /etc/exports, and mount the NFS
                                  file systems listed in

       /etc/config/yp             Start the NIS daemon(s).

       /etc/config/ypmaster       Become the NIS master server.

       /etc/config/ypserv         Become an NIS slave server.

       Change the following files to reflect your site's setup.

       /etc/config/automount.options Site-specific options.
                                  Contains a default configuration.

       /etc/bootparams            Database for bootparamd(1M).

       /etc/ethers                The Ethernet and FDDI address-
                                  to-name database.

       /etc/exports               List of file systems to be

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       /etc/netgroup              List of NIS network groups.

       The following files are used by the NIS software.

       /var/yp/make.script        Makefile used by ypmake to create
                                  NIS databases on the master

       /var/yp/ypmake             Shell script that uses
                                  make.script to create NIS
                                  databases on the master.

       /var/yp/ypxfr_1pd          Shell script to transfer NIS maps
                                  once per day (slave servers

       /var/yp/ypxfr_1ph          Shell script to transfer NIS maps
                                  once per hour (slave servers

       /var/yp/ypxfr_2pd          Shell script to transfer NIS maps
                                  twice per day (slave servers
       The following files are used by Diskless Workstation

       /var/boot/share.dat        Configuration file used by
                                  share_inst to install a share

       /var/boot/client.dat       Configuration file used by
                                  client_inst to install client and
                                  swap trees.


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       3.  Changes_and_Additions

       The following changes were made to the IRIX NFS 4D1-4.0.5

          o The ability to export and NFS-mount DOS and ISO9660
            file systems has been added.

          o The automounter now recognizes nohide-exported file
            systems, when invoked with the -hosts map.  Automount
            does not request a separate mount for a nohide file
            system if the client has access via the parent file

          o The -p option has been added to allow users to set the
            (non-degrading) priority for the automount process.

          o The NFS server duplicate request cache has been
            increased from 400 to 1024 entries, by default.
            Statistics have been added to nfsstat(1M) to monitor
            cache activity.

          o Though it is not recommended and can seriously degrade
            system performance, users can now set kernel lock
            manager timeouts.  See stune(4).

          o The number of NFS client processes that may obtain
            locks via the lock manager has been increased from 200
            to 1000 on the server.

          o The network information service (NIS) was formerly
            known as Sun Yellow Pages (YP). The functionality of
            the two remains the same; only the name has changed.
            The name Yellow Pages is a registered trademark in the
            United Kingdom of British Telecommunications Plc, and
            may not be used without permission.

       The following changes were made to Diskless Workstation

          o Diskless software is no longer marked for installation
            by default.  Diskless software comprises three
            subsystems, which must be deliberately selected for

               - nfs.sw.dskless_server implements server functions.
                 It must be installed on hosts that will serve as
                 diskless servers for IRIX 5.2 clients.

               - nfs.sw.dskless_client implements client functions.
                 It must be installed in an IRIX 5.2 share tree and

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                 all IRIX 5.2 client trees.  It should NOT be
                 installed on the diskless server.

               - nfs.sw.dskless_server_405 provides the software
                 needed to install IRIX 4.0.x share and client
                 trees on servers running IRIX 5.2.

          o Client trees can now be cloned: that is, a single
            client tree can be replicated for additional clients
            without using the inst utility to install the
            additional client trees.

          o The file system is reorganized so that the hardware-
            specific files for a particular client workstation are
            installed in its client tree.  This reorganization
            reduces the number of links to the share tree and
            improves client performance.

          o The clinst script was partitioned into two scripts:

               - share_inst installs the share tree.

               - client_inst installs the client and swap trees.

          o The clinst.dat file was partitioned into two files:

               - share.dat contains generic configuration
                 information for a share tree.  The share_inst and
                 client_inst scripts read a working copy of
                 share.dat, created by the diskless administrator,
                 to install the share and client trees.

               - client.dat contains generic configuration
                 information for a client tree. The client_inst
                 script reads a working copy of client.dat, created
                 by the diskless administrator, to install the
                 client and swap trees.

          o Variables previously contained in clinst.dat were
            distributed between share.dat and client.dat. In
            addition, these changes were made to the variables:

               - Two new variables were added to specify client
                 architecture: CPUARCH specifies the client's CPU
                 chip, and VIDEO specifies the video chip (on Indy

               - The DLMAJOR and LOCALDISK variables were dropped
                 from the variables list.

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               - NIS is now SERVER_NIS.

          o In the 5.2 diskless implementation, a diskless
            workstation's client tree can be located on a different
            file system from its share tree.


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       4.  Bug_Fixes

       This chapter lists the bug fixes in NFS since the last
       release (4D1-4.0.5).  Some descriptions are preceded by a
       Silicon Graphics bug report number in the form XXXX or

          o NFS now returns the correct statistics for nohide-
            exported file systems. This allows client programs,
            such as df(1), to report the correct statistics for
            underlying file systems, not just parent file systems.

          o NFS clients now time-out and back-off according to the
            specification. The previous schemes were a bit over-

          o Performance improvements were made to NFS server
            interaction with FDDI and Ethernet drivers.

          o mkalias(1M) now checks for corrupt database entries.

          o A SIGHUP during an unmount no longer corrupts the
            automounter's mount table.

          o Job control has been disabled during RPC's to the local
            lock manager, to avoid possible system hangs.

          o The unix file for a diskless client was not being
            created when root had a non-default umask. This problem
            is corrected so that the unix file is created
            regardless of the umask on root.

          o Some error messages generated by the share and client
            installation scripts were printing to the console
            rather than to the window from which the scripts were
            executing. These error messages are now displayed in
            the window where the diskless installation scripts are

          o The diskless installation script occasionally installed
            a client whose host name was similar to (but not
            exactly) the host name of the client specified on the
            command line. The script is corrected to do an exact
            match on the host name string entered on the command
            line, so the correct host is always located in the
            look-up and installed in the client tree.

          o These bugs are corrected in the Diskless Workstation
            Administration Guide:

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            9148      Two tables are included in the
                      troubleshooting information in Chapter 7 that
                      list common error messages and recommend
                      corrective action.

            9162      A procedure is included to explain how to add
                      local swap and a local file system to a
                      client containing a local disk.

            127315    The pathname to the ypdomain file is
                      corrected to read /var/yp/ypdomain instead of

            149512    The explanation for handling a
                      GET_BOOTP:WHOAMI failed error is clarified.
                      It now directs users to enter the domainname
                      command to verify that a domain name is set
                      on the server.


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       5.  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds

       This chapter describes the known problems in release 5.2 of

          o NFS clients may see incorrect numbers for the available
            bytes/blocks reported by df(1) for file systems on NFS
            servers running Solaris.

          o The automounter cannot unmount a file system if its
            file handle is stale. The workaround is to unmount the
            file system using umount(1M) then send the automount
            process a SIGHUP, so that it will update its tables.

       Below is a list of known problems or potential problem areas
       with the diskless product.

          o A diskless server must be assigned an NIS domain name,
            even when the server is not using NIS. This means that
            nfs.sw.nis must be installed on a diskless server. (If
            the domain name appears in the /var/yp/ypdomain file,
            the network startup script sets the domain name when
            the server reboots, even if NIS is not enabled on the

          o If the diskless client doesn't boot properly and gives
            the message, Kernel mount failed, check server,
            bootparams, make sure the client's entry in the
            server's /etc/bootparams file has a fully qualified
            domain name (for example, foobar.sgi.com is correct,
            but foobar is not a correct entry).

          o Line printing from diskless clients occasionally
            generates a warning message; otherwise, printing
            functions as expected.

          o Occasionally, share_inst or client_inst exit instead of
            resuming after inst exits.  If this happens, correct
            the problem in this way:

              1.  Start the share_inst or client_inst script again.

              2.  Immediately after the inst menu is displayed,
                  type quit and wait for the exit sequence to

          o The /usr/local directory has not changed.  This implies
            that clients cannot write their own binaries to this
            directory since /usr is read-only.  System
            administrators should determine how they want to handle
            the notion of /usr/local.  To maintain the typical

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            model where each host gets their own /usr/local, make
            /usr/local a symlink to ../var/local. Leaving shareable
            objects under /usr/local will allow them to be seen by
            all diskless clients using a particular share tree.

          o Likewise, /usr/people is on a read-only partition by
            default.  If home directories can be tied to specific
            machines, the /usr/people directory can be replaced
            with a symlink to /home.  However, if home directories
            need to be location transparent, then /usr/people could
            be a large exported partition on the diskless server
            that each client mounts.  Alternatively, home directory
            symlinks can point to automounted directories on the
            diskless server.  In order to use the standard system
            tools to create new users with home directories not in
            /usr/people, the file /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Cpeople
            needs to be modified.  The line

            *intl.label_HOMEDIR: /usr/people/

            can be replaced with something like

            *intl.label_HOMEDIR: /home/

            The guest home directory should move as needed.

          o Diskless IRIX 5.2 desktop software cannot be installed
            on servers that do not have the desktop software
            installed themselves.  Before installing any diskless
            software onto an NFS server,


            must be installed on the server.

          o The R4400 cpu architecture was not documented in the
            diskless client.dat file.  For diskless IRIX 5.2, go
            ahead and use R4000 as the string for CPUARCH.

          o See chapter 2's section on diskless compatibilities for
            information on installing new IRIX 5.1 diskless clients
            on IRIX 5.2 NFS servers.


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       6.  Documentation_Errors

       In the Diskless Workstation Administration Guide, Page 54,
       the setenv SystemPartition command contains a syntax error
       (an added space):

       bootp()sandy: /var/boot/starlite

       should read


       Notice that no space appears between the server name (sandy)
       and the pathname of the unix file