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sysmon Release Notes

sysmon Release Notes

1 Introduction

2 Installation Information

3 Changes and Additions

4 Bug Fixes

5 Known Problems and Workarounds

6 Documentation Errors


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       1.  Introduction

       The System Monitor is an error reporting system for the
       Indigo Magic Desktop.

       Note:  Packaged with these release notes is a separate sheet
              that contains the Software License Agreement.  This
              software is provided to you solely under the terms
              and conditions of the Software License Agreement.
              Please take a few moments to review the Agreement.

       This document contains the following chapters:

         1.  Introduction

         2.  Installation Information

         3.  Changes and Additions

         4.  Bug Fixes

         5.  Known Problems and Workarounds

         6.  Documentation Errors

       1.1  Release_Identification_Information

       Following is the release identification information for The
       Desktop System Monitor:

       Software Option Product        System Monitor

       Version                        1.0.1
       System Software Requirements   4D1-5.2

       1.2  Online_Release_Notes

       After you install the online documentation for a product
       (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on
       your screen.

       If you have a graphics system, select ``Release Notes'' from
       the Help submenu of the Toolchest. This displays the
       grelnotes(1) graphical browser for the online release notes.

       Refer to the grelnotes(1) man page for information on
       options to this command.

                                  - 2 -

       If you do not have a graphics system, you can use the
       relnotes command.  Refer to the relnotes(1) man page for
       accessing the online release notes.

       1.3  Product_Support

       Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product
       support maintenance program for its products.

       If you are in North America and would like support for your
       Silicon Graphics-supported products, contact the Technical
       Assistance Center at 1-800-800-4SGI.

       If you are outside North America, contact the Silicon
       Graphics subsidiary or authorized distributor in your


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       2.  Installation_Information

       This chapter lists supplemental information to the IRIS
       Software Installation Guide.  The information listed here is
       product-specific; use it with the Installation Guide to
       install this product.

       2.1  Desktop_System_Monitor_Subsystems

       The Desktop System Monitor includes these subsystems:

       sysmon.books.ErrorHelp        This subsystem contains help
                                     information for most critical
                                     error messages.

       sysmon.books.Help             This subsystem contains help
                                     information for the Desktop
                                     System Monitor applications.

       sysmon.man.sysmon             This subsystem contains man
                                     pages for the Desktop System
                                     Monitor programs.

       sysmon.sw.notifier            This subsystem contains tools
                                     for providing desktop
                                     notification of critical
                                     system errors.

       sysmon.sw.viewer              This subsystem contains the
                                     System Log Viewer.

       2.2  Desktop System Monitor Subsystem Disk Space

       This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes) of the
       Desktop System Monitor option.

       If you are installing this option for the first time, the
       subsystems marked ``default'' are the ones that are
       installed if you use the ``go'' menu item.  To install a
       different set of subsystems, use the ``install,''
       ``remove,'' ``keep,'' and ``step'' commands in inst to
       customize the list of subsystems to be installed, then
       select the ``go'' menu item.

       Note:  The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
              the IRIS Software Installation Guide for information
              on finding exact sizes.

       Subsystem Name                     Subsystem Size

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                                          (512-byte blocks)

       sysmon.books.ErrorHelp (default)          517
       sysmon.books.Help (default)               482

       sysmon.man.relnotes (default)              21
       sysmon.man.sysmon (default)                 9

       sysmon.sw.notifier (default)              434
       sysmon.sw.viewer (default)                806

       2.3  Installation_Method

       This section lists the installation method for the Desktop
       System Monitor subsystems.  Refer to the IRIS Software
       Installation Guide for complete installation instructions.

       Subsystem Name                Method of Installation

       sysmon.books.ErrorHelp         IRIX
       sysmon.books.Help              IRIX

       sysmon.man.relnotes            IRIX
       sysmon.man.sysmon              IRIX

       sysmon.sw.notifier             IRIX
       sysmon.sw.viewer               IRIX

       2.4  Prerequisites

       The eoe2.sw.tcp subsystem is a prerequiste for sysmon.sw.notifier
       The sgihelp & insight products are a prerequiste for all book subsytems

       2.5  Configuration_Files

       The file /etc/syslog.conf must contain the line:

       "*.alert                 |/var/adm/sysmonpp      /var/adm/SYSLOG"

       This line must only be delimited by tabs. By default, this
       should be installed from the eoe2.sw.tcp subsystem.  If you
       have modified your local /etc/syslog.conf file, merge in
       this line from the file /etc/syslog.conf.N and type 'killall
       1 syslogd' to enable system error notification.  If you have
       a server with no graphics, you should remove the sysmon
       subsystem and remove the sysmonpp line from
       /etc/syslog.conf.  The syserrpanel(1M) program can be used

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       to configure system error notification for each user.  A
       configuration file $HOME/.syserrrc is saved in the user's
       home directory. Below is an example of that file with the
       default values:

       SNOOZEUNTIL=Jan  1 00:00:00

       NOTIFYVIA can be either "DIALOG" or "HELPCARD." The default
       is the syserr(1M) dialog.  If you'd like the help card for
       the error message to pop-up instead, select "Notify via
       Helpcard" from the syserrpanel(1M) control panel.

       NOTIFICATION can be turned on or off (set to 1 or 0), via
       the syserrpanel(1M) visual notification button.  If visual
       notification is off, you will not be notified of critical
       errors on the desktop, but they will still be recorded in
       the IRIX console window and the system log
       (/var/adm/SYSLOG).  Use sysmon(1M), the System Log Viewer,
       to view the log file.

       AUDIO notication can be either turned on or off (set to 1 or
       0), via the syserrpanel(1M) audio notification button.

       LOGGEDOUT is not used in this release

       SNOOZEUNTIL is the time which notification will become
       active again after the snooze button is pressed. This cannot
       be configured from the control panel, it is a calculated
       value that syserr(1M) writes to the file.

       SNOOZEMIN is the default number of minutes that notification
       will be silenced for.  This value can be configured on
       syserrpanel(1M) and is used to determine SNOOZEUNTIL.

       HELPONLY can be turned on or off (set to 1 or 0).  If it is
       on, the user will only be notified of errors with help
       information.  This is also used to filter out messages which
       are incorrectly prioritized.  The default value is '1', and
       this can only be modified by editting the configuration


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       3.  Changes_and_Additions

          o There have been various bug fixes in versions 1.0.1 -
            Reference Chapter 5 of the relnotes notes.

          o In this version, there are no changes or additions to
            the product itself, besides bug fixes.  There were
            changes made to syslogd(1M) in 5.1 that are documented
            in the man page and the eoe2 release notes.  The file
            format was modified to include priority & facility
            codes for the sysmon(1M).  The file format was modified
            to maintain compatibility with space delimited awk
            scripts that are used by some system administrators.

          o An additional filter was added to the syslogd(1M)
            configuration file, sysmonpp(1M) for error
            notification.  If the local /etc/syslog.conf file was
            modified, you'll need to merge your changes with the
            /etc/syslog.conf.N file in order to enable
            notification.  After editting /etc/syslog.conf, type
            'killall 1 syslogd' to force syslogd to re-read it
            configuration file.


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       4.  Bug_Fixes

          o 171399 - The Critical filter often results in blank
            System Log Viewer.

          o 189375 - no icons for sysmon or syserrpanel

          o 185047 - Sysmon control panel should be accessible from

          o 192077 - Sysmon priority sorting broken when "remove
            duplicates" is off

          o 192086 - Help card doesn't have embedded error message
            in "Help Card" more

          o 192590 - Sysmon File Open & Close error checking

          o 194030 - sysmonpp (eoe2.sw.tcp) needed motif as a

          o 194495 - Syserr snoozeuntil broken if used in diff
            years - no "year" data

          o 194835 - wrong sgihelp for "process killed for memory

          o 195975 - System Log Viewer scrambles multiline syslog

          o 198093 - syserr's "Cancel" button should be "Close"

          o 200348 - Glossary not installed for either Sysmon books


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       5.  Known_Problems_and_Workarounds

          o 158276 - Selected text can not be pasted into an non-
            Motif window.

            Selected text can be dragged with the middle mouse
            button into motif drop sites (motif text fields). Also,
            selected text can be saved, printed, or mailed using
            options under the file menu. If no text is selected,
            all the messages are saved, printed or mailed.

          o 160748 - Some SYSLOG messages are incorrectly

          o 169173 - Scrolling sysmon(1M) messages with the arrow
            key pages the viewer.

            Drag the scrollbar to view the messages line-by-line.
            The arrow key changes the view page-by-page, not line-

          o 171403 - "Last message repeated %s times" appears in

            The "Last message repeated" lines are not supposed to
            be displayed.  The frequency information should be
            added to the correct message.

          o  184723 - sysmon should allow snooze period to be set
            from notifier

          o 185050 - The help icon in the sysmon list should also
            launch help

            Double-click on the message (not the icon in the list)
            to launch the help message.

          o 192002 - Syserrpanel issues

            The audio notification toggle button is checkec off,
            even if soundschemes is not installed.

            The control panel is not immediate action - changes to
            the $HOME/.syserrrc file only take place after the
            close button is hit.

            It would be nice to have a "Test" button to pop-up a
            test dialog so the user can see what he/she configured

            Control Panel should be in 'run only once' mode

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          o 192213 - Icon for error message different from error
            message icon from apps

          o 193725 - system log viewer: filter selection
            information should be saved

          o 197728 - Sys log viewer Help>Product Info. brings up

          o 198822 - System Log Viewer needs to deal with large
            SYSLOG's better

          o 198826 - System Log Viewer save function should warn
            when over-writting

          o 198828 - Sysmon: default save dir can be set to last
            open dir

          o 199851 - Sysmon: way too expensive to display large
            SYSLOG files


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       6.  Documentation_Errors

          o No known problems with the on-line help.  If problems
            are found, please report them to your local support