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Major ViewKit Elements

For purposes of discussion, the ViewKit framework can be divided into several logical groups of classes. The following sections discuss some of these logical groups.

Core Framework Classes

The ViewKit library provides a small set of classes that are essential for any application or that provide fundamental support for other classes in the framework. The most basic of these classes is the VkComponent class. This abstract base class supports the concept of a user interface component, as described in the book Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and OSF/Motif. (Prentice Hall, 1992). All user interface classes in the ViewKit library are derived from the VkComponent class, which defines the minimum protocol for all components.

The core framework classes also include support for features needed by nearly all applications. These classes include VkApp, an application class that must be instantiated by every ViewKit application, classes that support top-level windows, a collection of classes that support menus, and several classes that support dialog management. All classes are designed to fully implement as many typical features as possible. For example, all top-level windows and dialogs handle the window manager quit/close protocol. Dialogs are cached to balance memory use and display speed. The menu system goes beyond simply constructing menus to support dynamically adding, removing, replacing items, and more.

The collection of classes that make up the core part of the ViewKit library are closely integrated and work together to support essential features required by most applications as automatically as possible. Among the basic services supported by the core ViewKit framework are single and multi-level undo, support for performing interruptible tasks, and support for an application-level callback mechanism that allows C++ classes to dynamically register member functions to be invoked by other C++ classes.


In addition to the basic user interface elements supported as part of the core framework classes, the ViewKit framework provides an assortment of useful interface components that may be useful in some situations. These include a graph viewer/editor, an input field that supports name expansion, an outliner component for displaying and manipulating hierarchical information, and others. Some ready-made components supported by the ViewKit library are useful in rather specific situations. However, developers are encouraged to use the architecture of the ViewKit framework to create new components, or extend existing components.

Figure 1 shows a typical ViewKit high-level component. This component is a self-contained graph editor/viewer that can be used to browse or create an abstract graph representation consisting of a collection of interconnected objects. Nodes in the graph can be moved interactively. The controls along the bottom of the component allow the graph to be zoomed, the orientation to be changed, and other operations to be performed. An overview of the graph can also be displayed for large graphs. Although the component described here represents a complex sub-system, the entire component can be included in an application simply by instantiating a single C++ class, and using the well-defined interface supported by that class.

Figure 3. A typical high-level ViewKit component.

Creating high-level components such as the graph viewer shown here promotes consistency throughout a set of applications by providing elements that users can learn once and then easily recognize in multiple applications.

Convenience Utilities

The ViewKit framework provides various utility functions and classes that are used throughout the framework. These utilities, which are available to developers as well, include simple functions that make it easier to load resources (including automatic type conversion), classes that support the use of icons, and other miscellaneous utilities.

One particularly interesting set of utility classes supports operations on groups of widgets. For example, VkRadioGroup allows an arbitrary collection of Motif toggle buttons to exhibit radio behavior, even if these widgets are in different locations in the interface or widget hierarchy. The VkAlignmentGroup class allows developers to specify a collection of widgets that should be aligned to the same width, height, x, or y position.

Process management

The UNIX system, as well as the Xt toolkit on which the Motif widget set is based, provides various low-level mechanisms for dealing with processes. A typical scenario involves starting an application from within an already running application and exchanging data between the two applications. The ViewKit library provides several C++ classes that make it easier to use UNIX processes in such situations. These classes handle the details of launching the sub-process, setting up pipes, getting information from the sub-process, and handling signals.

Help Support

The ViewKit framework provides complete support for using the SGI on-line help system. Most of the time, a programmer who uses the ViewKit library does not have to do anything to support help, other than writing the content of the documentation. The ViewKit framework includes several classes that support on-line help within ViewKit applications, but these are seldom used directly by programmers.

Network Licensing

The NetLS licensing system supported on the SGI platform provides low-level facilities to support license-protected applications. The ViewKit framework makes it easy for programmers to use license protection in a way that is consistent with the behavior of other SGI applications. To license-protect a ViewKit application, the application simply instantiates a VkNLS object, providing some simple information about the application in the VkNLS constructor. The ViewKit framework automatically checks for license expiration at regular intervals, displays various dialogs when error situations occur, and closes down applications that are not properly licensed.

Preference Panels

Many applications support one or more preference panels that allow users to customize the behavior of the application. Such preference panels can be tedious to write because they may involve large numbers of text input fields, labels, toggle buttons, and so on. Users expect preference panels to work in a specific way, as well. Usually, users select a number of preferences and then select an "Apply" button or an "OK" button to apply all changes at once. Users also expect to be able to select "Cancel" and return all preferences to their previous state, regardless of how many changes the user may have made. Programming this behavior for every preference panel can be tedious at best.

The ViewKit library supports an easy-to-use collection of classes for building preference panels. Rather than dealing directly with Motif widgets, their placement, callbacks, and so on, programmers who use the ViewKit framework can simply create groups of preference items. These items maintain their own state, which allows an application to simply query each item to see if it has been changed. Layout is handled automatically, and the ViewKit library provides the ability to apply or revert all preferences to their previous state.

Inter-Application Communication

Few applications operate in a complete vacuum, and many applications need to be able to communicate with other applications to work effectively. The ViewKit library builds on the ToolTalk` inter-application communications service to support simple and effective inter-application communication. The ToolTalk system is based on a broadcast message model, in which applications send requests for services they need, as well as notices of actions they perform, to a central messaging service. (See Figure 4.) Applications also register with the message service by informing it of what types of notices and requests they are interested in. The message service routes all messages between interested parties without applications needing to be aware of what applications are running in the user's environment.

The ViewKit library supports integration with the ToolTalk service in two ways. First, the ViewKit framework supplies a higher-level, easy-to-use interface to the ToolTalk library that supports a simple callback model, not unlike the Xt callback mechanism. Second, the ViewKit framework provides various abstract classes that handle many of the details of registering with the message service and handling messages automatically.

The Tooltalk system assumes that messages are handled on an application level (and in fact messages are always sent between processes). However, the ViewKit library also supports individual components that need to encapsulate messaging behavior. For example, imagine a component that allows the user to display and edit some data stored in a file. It is easy to imagine multiple applications using this component to browse or edit the same data simultaneously. Using the ToolTalk communication mechanism, the component can transparently coordinate access and display of the data between applications. For example, if the user edits the data in one view, that view can send notices to other instances of the component to keep them in sync. Because this behavior can be encapsulated in a component, applications that use the component can benefit with no effort on the part of the developer.

Figure 4. Using the ToolTalk mechanism to communicate between processes.

Audio Support

A user interface is more than images on the screen, and it is becoming increasingly common for interfaces to use audio as an alternative or a supplement to the visual interface. The ViewKit framework provides a straight-forward interface for applications that wish to use audio in their applications. In addition, various ViewKit components automatically support the use of audio where the support can be implemented in a generic manner.

In some situations, audio can be used to emphasize or complement user or system actions. For example, when an error occurs, the framework can post an error dialog and also signal the error audibly. Audio can also be used to subtly enhance the user interface by using audio to smooth transitions and improve the user's perception of the application's response time. In many cases, such features can be provided automatically by the framework. The ViewKit framework also helps by providing consistency in the use of such techniques among multiple applications.

Accepting speech input generally requires some effort on the part of the developer, although a framework can provide support to minimize this effort. A framework can also provide automatic speech input support in some cases. For example, it is reasonable for a framework to allow dialogs to be dismissed verbally, with no effort on the part of the application developer.
