Open Inventor (T4-CHOICE)

The Open Inventor course helps applications programmers master a sophisticated library of object-oriented 3-D building blocks designed to take advantage of Silicon Graphics hardware features with minimal programming effort. Students learn to write graphics applications using a library of objects that can be reused, customized, and extended to meet new needs.


This course covers these topics:


Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to...


This course is intended for...

Note: The student is over-qualified if he/she has programmed extensively with IRIS Inventor in most or all of the areas listed in the course outline.

Course Details

Duration: 4.5 days

Format: Instructor-Led (Lecture/Lab)

SGI Platforms Covered: All Silicon Graphics Workstations which run OpenGL. Includes Indy, Indigo, Indigo2, Onyx.

Tuition : Contact the Silicon Graphics Sales Office nearest you.

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