Advanced UNIX System for Users (Self-paced Learning)
This is a comprehensive Video Workshop that will
take UNIX users to the nest level of expertise. This
course is intended for those who intend to write shell
scripts and learn more sophisticated topics.
Topics Covered
- Bourne Shell Programming
- Korn Shell Programming
- C Shell Programming
- The vi and emacs Editors
- Advanced Utilities
- Mail and the Net
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to...
- Write robust scripts in the Bourne, C, and Korn shells
- Employ such useful tools as awk, perl and emacs
- Introduction to the UNIX World Video Workshop or equivalent knowledge
- The UNIX System for Users Video Workshop or equivalent knowledge
- More of the UNIX System for Users Video Workshop or equivalent knowledge
Product Number and Description
- SP-AUUXV Workshop includes 1 set of video tapes (VHS format), 5 student workbooks, and 5 textbooks
- SP-AUUXP Workshop includes 1 set of video tapes (PAL format), 5 student workbooks, and 5 textbooks
- SP-AUUXWKBK 5 additional student workbooks
- SP-AUUXTXTBK 5 additional textbooks
Please call the Education Hotline for more
information at 1-800-800-4SGI.