OSF/Motif Video Workshop (Self-paced Learning)
This self-paced Video Workshop introduces the student to
OSF/Motif and programming OSF/Motif applications. Volume One,
An Introduction to OSF/Motif, teaches how to control the
layout of windows on the screen, and how to customize mwm.
It also includes a complete examination of a typical Motif
application. Volume Two, Programming OSF/Motif, covers the basic
Motif programming environment, including resource management from a
programmer's point of view, mechanisms for handling user input,
widgets, user interface components, gadgets, compound strings,
and other Motif topics.
Topics Covered
Module One
- Understanding the Motif Application
- Using the mwm Window Manager
- Customizing the mwm Window Manager
- Using a Motif Application
Module Two
- Motif Basics and Terminology
- Managing Resources
- Callbacks, Event Handlers, and Actions
- Primitive Widgets
- Selections, Dialogs, Menus, and Shells
- Additional Motif Topics
A knowledge of the X window system
Product Number and Description
- SP-MOTIFV Workshop includes 1 set of video tapes (VHS format), 5 student workbooks, and 5 textbooks
- SP-MOTIFP Workshop includes 1 set of video tapes (PAL format), 5 student workbooks, and 5 textbooks
- SP-MOTIFWKBK 5 additional student workbooks
- SP-MOTIFTXTBK 5 additional textbooks
Please call the Education Hotline for more
information at 1-800-800-4SGI