Self-Paced System Maintenance for the Professional Series (T4-IMSP)
This Self-Paced System Maintenance for the Professional
Series course teaches field engineers and service personnel
how to perform all maintenance on the IRIS 4D Professional
Series workstations. Through a combination of self-paced
documents and tapes, students learn to install, configure,
troubleshoot, and verify the proper operation of the IRIS
4D workstations. During the self-paced labs, malfunctions
are simulated into the systems so the students can get
experience using the IRIS 4D diagnostics for troubleshooting.
Topics Covered
- Hardware Overview
- Theory of Operation (IP4/GT)
- Basic System Administration Functions
- Supporting System Documentation
- Crash Recovery and Disk Rebuilding
- Hardware Troubleshooting
- System Diagnostics
- UNIX Boot Process
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to...
- Meet the requirements for certification of Basic Support
- Isolate failures to a single Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
- Given a list of IRIS 4D workstation manuals, correctly name and explain the use and contents of each manual
- Demonstrate that he/she has developed basic skills that will allow him/her to gather required status information, monitor system activity, create system backup tapes, rebuild/restore system disk drives, edit system files, and run high level system diagnostics and demo programs
This course is intended for students with a basic
understanding of computer systems and have attended
Introduction to IRIX (T4-CHOICE)
Note: The student is over-qualified if he/she is already servicing
the POWER Series or Professional Series Workstations.
Course Details
Packet Includes
- 1 Self-Study Guide
- 1 Graphics Tutorial Tape
Please call the Education Hotline for more
information at 1-800-800-4SGI