Introduction to UNIX World (Self-paced Learning)
This is a comprehensive video workshop that introduces
the user to the world of the UNIX operating systems.
Whether new to computers or migrating from DOS, MVS,
VMS or any other proprietary system, this course is the
place to start to learn about UNIX.
Topics Covered
- What is the UNIX System?
- Why Did the UNIX System Become Popular?
- Why is the UNIX System Still Popular?
- Where is the UNIX System Today?
- The Pending Future of the UNIX System
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to...
- Understand the UNIX world and how they can benefit from it
None. Basic computer experience is very helpful.
Product Number and Description
- SP-IUXV Workshop includes 1 set of video tapes (VHS format), 5 student workbooks, and 5 textbooks
- SP-IUXP Workshop includes 1 set of video tapes (PAL format), 5 student workbooks, and 5 textbooks
- SP-IUXWKBK 5 additional student workbooks
- SP-IUXTXTBK 5 additional textbooks
Please call the Education Hotline for more
information at 1-800-800-4SGI