Worldwide Calendar of Tradeshows and Events - 1994



Date Event Location

4/1 Good Friday 4/3 Easter 4/5 - 4/8 US Space Symposium Colorado Springs, Co. 4/5 - 4/9 GRAPHITEC Paris, France 4/5 - 4/7 INTELEMA II Argentina 4/10 - 4/12 European Computer Tradeshow London, UK 4/10 - 4/13 Saudi Oil Riyady, K.S.A. 4/11 - 4/15 Petrol. Congress Ankara, Turkey 4/11 - 4/15 Software Technology Conf. Salt Lake City, Ut. 4/12 - 4/13 Television Distribution Technology Olympia 4/12 - 4/14 Physics World Brighton, UK 4/17 - 4/20 Oracle User Forum Maastricht, The Netherlands 4/18 The Local Buzz (Pre-press) Edinburgh 4/18 - 4/20 Brazil Link '94 Brazil 4/20 - 4/21 The Local Buzz (Pre-press) Newcastle 4/19 - 4/21 Embedded Systems Boston, Ma. 4/18 - 4/20 HPCI Supercomputing Fair Munich, Germany 4/24 - 4/25 The Local Buzz (Pre-press) Glasglow 4/25 - 4/27 Geo 94 Bahrain, Saudi Arabia 4/25 - 4/29 Comugrafic/Expo CAD CAM Brazil 4/26 - 4/28 ITEC '94 Hague, The Netherlands 4/26 - 4/28 ASPRS/ACSM Reno, Nv. 4/26 - 4/29 UNIFORUM Argentina 4/27 - 4/30 LADEC Argentina 4/29 Green Day Holiday Japan