Indy and Indigo2 are the bridge that a multitude of creative professionals are now using to extend their vision beyond print into the challenging worlds of audio, video, animation, film graphics, interactive publishing and virtual reality simulations. Silicon Graphics technology made possible the dazzling effects in films like Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, The Abyss and Beauty and the Beast, enchanting audiences throughout the world. And it is Silicon Graphics systems that serve as the technological heart of the stunning new virtual reality attraction at Walt Disney World's Epcot(R) '94.

Illustrators, designers, publishers and printers are taking an intensified interest in multimedia projects now that Silicon Studio makes it all so easy. Silicon Studio solutions for Film and Video expand Silicon Studio for Publishing, providing a comprehensive open systems approach to digital production and post-production. These powerful, integrated tools give creative professionals the freedom to take their imagination into any medium they wish.

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