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CERES: California Environmental Resources Evaluation System

Welcome to CERES

The California Environmental Resources Evaluation System

A program of the California Resources Agency

CERES is an information system being developed by the Resources Agency to facilitate access to a variety of electronic data describing California's rich and diverse resources, such as information about physical environments, living creatures and their habitats, and environmental impact reports and studies. Information is made available through the CERES program to assist individuals, schools, community groups, government agencies and others in natural resource planning and stewardship, research and education.

The resource information available through CERES comes in a variety of forms, including text, photos, satellite images, statistical databases and Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses, and comes from many sources, including local, State and Federal government agencies, academic institutions, and community groups.

California Resources Agency Departments and Programs:

Access to California Environmental Resource Information:

As the CERES network grows, users can access California natural resource information in several ways. You may select from the following:

CERES Program Updates and Information:

Please E-mail us your comments or suggestions:
