hide random home screenshot http://alf2.tcd.ie/~redmondd/swim/header.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

WebSwim Homepage
This page grew out of the FAQ list for the USENET group rec.sport.swimming and is maintained by Donncha Redmond. Any errors / omissions can be corrected by e-mailing me at either I decided to remove the fancy graphics as I got mail saying it was making this page impossible to access from slow sites. All the bars 'n' buttons are gone but the title graphic will remain to lend an identity to the page. If people still find that it takes too long to access then try and disable the "auto-load images" feature on your browser.The browser will not load pictures until you click on them.
The following information is contained in this FAQ.

Terry Laughlin's Total Immersion Swim Lessons HERE!

Swim Shopping!!

Other WWW Swimming Pages

Hope you all find this information useful. Any suggestions / additions would be appreciated.
