(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
And Communications
Follow these links for more information about our
current projects and clients and our
About And Communications
We came up with the name And Communications for several reasons:
- We combine technology applications and communications
models with an emphasis on communications. We believe the
Internet and specifically the World Wide Web is about
communications. The technology barriers are falling away,
bringing critical mass to the medium, just as print,
phone, radio and television have done before it.
- New media call for intermediaries, and we think
the ampersand is the most symbolic representation for
bringing new meaning and relationships to a subject or object.
- We like the idea that abbreviates our name and
falls higher in alphabetical directories than, say,
People say our name (or some derivative like 'n or an') over one
hundred times a day. As a matter of fact, we used the word 34
times on this page without even trying.
Think about that in your next conversation.
We're not paranoid, but we keep hearing voices call our name...
And Communications' Mission
To develop rich communications models that serve an
audience with respect for their intelligence, interest in
their community and point of view, and consideration for
bandwidth while developing the full potential of our
principals and employees.
Consider the elements here, and you'll see our point of
differentiation (at least an articulated point -- we've
spoken to many other developers who feel the same way).
- It's a communications medium (we never tire from saying
this). The requirement of "communications" in its purest
sense -- in contrast to the way most of what we know as
communications has evolved as corporate stenography --
is that information must flow both ways to create new meaning.
Television and radio lack that -- yes, even the so called "talk
shows" contribute to the moronization of the masses.
- Start with respect for an audience and it will inform many
design and content decisions. The kind of information served will
change. Graphics become more meaningful, less gratuitous. Video
and sound must deliver more value due to the bandwidth concerns.
- Develop an interest in the community of the audience and it
will show. Miss this step and you risk perception as a dilettante.
Or worse, crass exploitative commercialism (it doesn't have to be
crass or exploitive).
- Fully engaged and developing principals and employees create
good products. The development will include the passion of intrinsic
gains. This part of our mission also drives how and where we spend
our time. Right now, we're pursuing only projects that are of interest
to us. This is not to be elitist; it's simply a matter of where we can
do our best work, which is our objective.
- We work with people and companies who share the basic tenets
of this mission, so we enjoy working really hard for them.
- Check with us in a year and see how true we've been to these
ideals. Really. We aspire to these ideals, and are human at the same
time. Can we maintain these principals? Will we sell out to achieve
one part of the mission at the risk of other parts? We look forward
to watching ourselves in this way. Giving ourselves a yard-stick of
principles to measure our success.
As part of the Internet Community and society of developers, we
will accurately report usage statistics
and share information about our processes,
communications models and research.
We believe this information should serve everyone,
not just And Communications.
How To Reach Us
And Communications
P.O. Box 391834
Mountain View, CA 94039
(415) 550-2676
If you wish to have us develop something for you or simply wish to
comment on our approach,
mail to us at
or use this response form.
"It's the Small Secrets that must be protected; Big Secrets will be
protected by public incredulity." hacked up paraphrase from Marshall McLuhan
"Be excellent." Bill or Ted
is the official operating system of And Communications.
Brought to you by silva
and Jonathan Hahn.