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"Discovering Your Psychic World"


Annette Martin

Discovering Your Psychic World Book Reviews
Table of Contents
Example Chapter - Chapter Two
Order Form for Discovering Your Psychic World
About Annette Martin

Reviews for Discovering Your Psychic World

"Annette Martin draws upon a life time of rich experience as an acclaimed psychic and teacher to offer a very readable Primmer on Psychic Development. Discovering Your Psychic World is for the beginner as well as the advanced student. It leads one very logically from beginning exercises to more "in depth" techniques to unlock that part of one's subconscious mind that is usually "off limits." "I feel that Ms. Martin is giving us an invaluable gift . . . the development of our intuition, clairvoyance, precognition, ability to heal ourselves and others, and more, which all lead to an enriching of our lives. Her book is very easy to understand as well as particularly interesting as she illustrates each chapter with case history's, verbatim instructions and vignettes from her own life. Common Ground Magazine - March 1995.

I heartily recommend this fine book for anyone interested in stretching her or his horizons." ... Edith Fiore, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and author of You Have Been Here Before, The Unquiet Dead and Encounters.

"This simple, effective workbook can be used to learn basic psychic tools. Annette Martin's teaching style is personable, systematic and methodical, promoting self-acceptance and mediation as the master keys to enhancing perception and increasing self-esteem. The instructions are relevant, accessible and will appeal to a wide variety of spiritual seekers." Magical Blend Magazine - May 1995.

"Annette Martin is one interesting lady. In the forword to her new book, Discovering Your Psychic World, there is - are you ready for this? - an endorsement by an investigative police detective. Ms. Martin, you see, has worked as a successful psychic with law enforcement agencies across the country for 18 years! Credibility is definitely not going to be a problem here. Her book is a workbook, actually, with simple, non threatening exercises for those who'd like to explore psychic phenomenon in a respectful, responsible way but who might be a little scared by it. Topics such as auras, sending emotions and pictures, clairvoyance and clairaudience are covered; especially good is the section on ethics. Very highly recommended."... Leading Edge Review Magazine - Winter 1994-95.

"Psychic Annette Martin has put together a beginner's guide to discovering and developing psychic skills. The manual touches upon all aspects of innate psychic abilities, defining each skill and offering simple exercises to help the reader bring forth dormant abilities. All that's really needed to begin this course of study is willingness and patience. At the end of the course, the reader should be able to recognize psychic abilities that may formerly have gone unnoticed. The sixth sense can then be augmented through practice. Unlike most books of this nature, Martin focuses on an easy step-by-step approach. The workbook format includes pages for taking inventory and noting the results of the experiments she proposes and the techniques she teaches in her workshops. The manual is not written with the dry text normally associated with metaphysical books. Martin's guide is written to inform, not to impress, and it is full of psychic anecdotes and experiences to complement the points of study and enhance learning. She includes many exercises in which the reader can involve family and friends. Martin leaves no skill undiscovered as she discusses auras, dowsing, psychometry, and the better known psychic senses like clairaudience and clairvoyance. While she explains the phenomena, she also supports their reality by referencing psychical research and a few noted scientists like Marcel Vogel. An interesting section is included about renowned late architect and scientist Buckminster Fuller, who befriended and encouraged Martin in her work. Fuller's comments on the nature of psychic phenomena were both educational and fascinating. While most books on psychic skills focus on solely on the sixth sense, Martin's approach is broader. She adds a section on dreams, creative visualization, and stress-reduction techniques to enhance the reader's happiness and health. The author is so certain that her book will help the reader develop psychically that she has offered "Notes on Professional Ethics" in the event any reader wishes to become a professional psychic. Discovering Your Psychic World contains a universe of esoteric information and a myriad of techniques to enable beginners to uncover their own psychic skills. If one starts with enthusiasm and practices patience along with the exercises, the unlimited powers within will manifest." Fate Magazine - May 1995

"Annette Martin has compiled her psychic teachings into her newest book, Discovering Your Psychic World, which is clear and deceptively simple. I highly recommend it for those interested in further developing their own intuitive perceptions of themselves and their world." Paul Mascovich, MD.. Medical Director of Psychiatric Services, St. Mary's Hospital, CO.

"This easy to understand book moves one through recognizing and developing one's intuitive skills. Annette Martin is a master teacher." P. K. Hogg, Ph.D.

"Once you have shared this writing, the development of your sixth sense will possibly be unlimited. If you practice what is taught here your rewards could know no bounds." Detective Sergeant Richard Keaton, Marin Sheriffs Dept.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Taking Inventory - 1
Chapter 2 - ESP - The Sixth Sense - 3
Chapter 3 - Keys to Understanding Your Sixth Sense - 11
Chapter 4 - Meditation - The Master Key - 16
Chapter 5 - Telepathy or Sending Thoughts - 25
Chapter 6 - Steps into Your Psychic World - 31
Chapter 7 - Sending Emotions & Pictures - 37
Chapter 8 - What Is This Thing Called the Aura? - 48
Chapter 9 - Your Aura or Electromagnetic Field - 54
Chapter 10 - Day - Dreaming & Dreams - 62
Chapter 11 - Sending a Magazine Picture - 72
Chapter 12 - Helping Yourself - 81
Chapter 13 - Psychometry - 85
Chapter 14 - Dowsing - 93
Chapter 15 - The Guiding Pendulum - 98
Chapter 16 - Automatic Writing - 100
Chapter 17 - Imagery - Visualization & Goals - 103
Chapter 18 - Symbols 108
Chapter 19 - Clairvoyance - Remote Viewing - 113
Chapter 20 - Clairaudience & Becoming Your Animal - 121
Chapter 21 - Say Bye - Bye to That Stress - 130
Chapter 22 - Predicting Stock, Newspaper Headlines - 140
Chapter 23 - Reading a Person - 144
Appendix A - Notes on Professional Ethics - 151
Glossary - 152

Discovering Your Psychic World Book Reviews
Example Chapter - Chapter Two
Order Form for Discovering Your Psychic World
About Annette Martin

Example Chapter - Chapter Two
ESP - The Sixth Sense

If any of these experiences have happened to you, it is possible that you had a manifestation of what is today called intuition, extra sensory perception or ESP.

Extra-sensory perception has long been assumed to be an almost magical ability, one belonging more to the world of myth and fairy than to everyday reality. Many scientist, whose forebears waged a long battle against ignorance and superstition in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, are angry and hostile to the very idea of ESP, or who, prefer to ignore it's existence, despite the positive results obtained by those few who have experimentally investigated it.

Support for the possibility of ESP comes from the discoveries of quantum physicists, who work at the cutting edge of science. They have introduced such concepts as relativity, action-at-a-distance, anti-matter, black holes and parallel universes to both their colleagues and to the general public.

A Dr. J. B. Rhine made this term familiar in the United States in 1937 when he published his monograph, Extrasensory Perception. In 1940 he published Extrasensory Perception after Sixty Years. The term caught on and soon became a household word. He interpreted it to mean perception of those things and phenomena that reside beyond or outside the ordinary senses.

Dr. Rhine adopted the term from Dr. Rudolf Tischner, an ophthalmologist from Munich in the 1920s who also conducted research into psychical and occult phenomena. Tischner used the term to explain "externalization of sensibility," which goes back to 1892, when the French researcher Dr. Paul Joire first used ESP to describe the phenomenon of an individual's ability to sense something outside the body without the use of any known physical senses.

One of the epochal studies of the overall psychic experience was published in 1923 by Dr. Eugene Osty, director of the Institute Metaphysique International in Paris. The book was titled La Connaissance Supranormale. He establishes that humans possess some sensing mechanisms that "go out" and connect on a supernormal level with information that "comes in."

Russian Scientists

Russian scientists use the term bioinformation, rather than extrasensory perception. They use bioinformation to describe phenomena such as clairvoyance, precognition, telepathy, and ESP. Bioinformation focuses the individual's attention on getting "information" rather than upon some hypothetical faculty that might be implied by ESP.

I agree with Dr. Osty and the Russian scientists. From my personal experiences, of being a psychic child and extensive research as a professional for the past 25 years, I feel that these manifestations are not coming from an extra sense, but instead are from our sixth sense, or what I like to call, the survival sense, which lies within the right or creative side of the brain and houses the subconscious, unconscious mind.

We are all born with six senses, although in our society we only declare and cultivate our five senses of hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and feeling. Our environment and behavioral patterns dictate how we will develop all these senses.

So then we can claim that We all are psychic! I do believe that the sixth sense or survival sense that we all have is very natural.

Scholars and scientists today are studying ESP or the sixth sense and are beginning to agree that everyone has the capacity to be intuitive to a degree. By developing, educating, and practicing, the skill can be acquired.

Are We Asleep to Our Surroundings?

Is it possible that we as a species are suffering from a collective amnesia? Perhaps, as Homo Sapiens, we have forgotten something that our ancestors once knew and practiced daily. They had a certain type of perception and attitude. Man could understand and identify with non-human life, had a great respect for the unexplained, and felt a deep humbleness for the complexities of their world.

What is happening today?

What generally occurs is that this sixth sense or feeling is squashed either by family, friends or teachers. It is very difficult being the oddball, such as telling people to be careful because you have a feeling something is going to happen to them. The child would probably get into trouble and be told not to say such things or respond in such a sensitive manner to situations.

Johnny is not supposed to cry, goes the story. Johnny is not supposed to feel what he is feeling, so he learns not to feel. We stop this very natural part of our being with our children. We are supposed to fit into the mold of everyone else and keep quiet, be like Susie or Ralph. Don't show your feelings.

You might have had a spontaneous psychic experience unexpectedly and did not know how to interpret it correctly. It could have been very distressing, but as you develop your sixth sense and arouse the dormant aspects of your consciousness, you are likely to have many unfamiliar experiences. We are going to learn to be prepared, so you can learn to enjoy and appreciate your new world as well as feel assured to counsel others when their psychic faculties open up unexpectedly.

As we observe the world today, it is slowly changing, but we still have a long way to go. The human lived by his sixth sense or survival sense, for many centuries. He did this by knowing and feeling inside himself that danger lurked, nearby. The men knew where the game was, they could smell the scent of the animal, track it down, and feed their families. Ancient man could tell where water was located by using all of his senses.

Feeling Nature

I will never forget one morning on safari in Africa. We were looking for lions but none were to be found. The Serengehti was littered with every other animal, rhinoceros, zebra, elephants, giraffe, and monkeys, but no lions.

We had traveled five miles further and suddenly the driver stopped our jeep. Our guide told us to be very quiet. The four of us strained our eyes to see, but there was nothing but brown dirt, scrub brush, and a few trees.

Within five minutes of utter silence, a lioness emerged out of nowhere. She totally ignored us and strutted in front of our jeep. We watched as she strode across the desert, knowing that she was in full control of the situation. I don't think any of us had taken a breath for the entire time. After she was out of sight, I asked our guide, "Did you see her in the distance? He turned and smiled, "No, I didn't see her, Mamsab, but I could feel her." I nodded my head and replied, "Yes."

But I ask you, do we need to "survive," currently? Very few of us have to do that right now. To sum it up, we have lost the skill of using our sixth sense or survival sense, because we just don't need it, so we think. It is so easy to retrieve that part of ourselves, if we want to. But it is most definitely in the wanting!

Are Women More in Touch Than Men with Their Sixth Sense ?

Scientists feel that women probably have a biological advantage in this department. In the female brain there is a larger network of fibers linking the right and left hemispheres. This can allow a faster response time between the right and left brain. So this gives the female a head start on combining logic and her sixth sense. The female also uses a magnetic sense which is connected to her menstrual cycle and the phases of the moon.

Also the limbic system of the female works differently, which keeps her in close touch with her offspring. Women will tend to feel their flashes of ESP or sixth sense differently than males. A female may feel a tightening in the diaphragm or stomach, when she knows for sure that she is receiving information.

I began doing this at a very young age and couldn't understand why I was always having stomach aches.

Men feel their flashes of intuition differently, most often by a sensation of warmth in the chest area. They are what we call electrically based versus magnetic. Males will tend to use their sixth sense for problem solving.

Left Brain Connection to the Right Brain

LEFT - Language, Mathematics, Reasoning, Physical World, Science, Logic
RIGHT - Intuition, Art, Creativity, Imagination, Insight

By a process of relaxation and exercises, you will be learning how to connect this network of fibers linking your left brain to your right brain. When we are receiving insight or a flash through our sixth sense, we are creating an arc of energy that reaches over from the right brain to the left brain. It is then processed into either a feeling, picture, odors, taste, or just a "knowing." The sides of our brain control the opposite sides of the body.

We all have the capacity to learn how to develop this skill. I do not feel that being aware of our sixth sense is supernatural, beyond our comprehension, or devil worship.

Can I Tune into My Body and Mind?

If you want to know what is wrong with your body, you can tune into the body and ask it, the answer will come to you. You do know this information, you know everything about yourself.

You can do the same with your mind. You only have to allow yourself to let it be there. You really don't need a psychic, astrologer, or numerologist to tell you about yourself. They are only acting as a mirror for you. You will begin to understand yourself in a new and different way.

Understanding Who You Are Can Help You

How you think basically determines not only what you are but how you are, how others react to you, how you react to them, and what constitutes the real values in life and living. Don't you think it is time to devote a few minutes a day to the business of getting in touch with your own mind so that you can learn to operate it more efficiently?

We think in mental pictures and not in words! Everything that happens to us takes the form of a mental picture in your memory. Recorded with it is the feeling or emotional reaction you had at the time. Perhaps you had an aroused feeling of hate or fear, these impressions have now become a part of your subconscious mind.

We all have had the experience of discovering and saying, "What is the name of that mutual friend of ours? I can't quite remember it." Then the next morning I'll remember it. You've had that same experience. So we all have the experience of asking ourselves a question that gets answered by ourselves later on. In other words, this tells us we have a reliable subconscious functioning operative in our brains even while we sleep.

Even if an event happened in the past, it is still having an effect upon you. All of your experiences, up to the present moment, are still alive in another form in your memory stream. If this were not true, then you could not recall them at will or be mentally or emotionally disturbed upon remembering an unhappy situation, or fear the recurrence of some tragic or regretted circumstance.

You are influenced not only by how you reacted, mentally and emotionally, to past experiences, but by the nature of your desires and aspirations as well as your fears and hates. Your subconscious mind is designed to reproduce for you, in your outer life, whatever you picture.

Remember that the subconscious mind has no capacity for reasoning. It merely follows along what the conscious mind has dictated, accepting all feelings and associated mental pictures, as though they were blueprints to be reproduced in your outer world. Your conscious mind, with the exercise of your reason and your will, represents the only force that can change or eliminate these pictures that the subconscious mind is holding.

If you keep telling your subconscious mind that it is impossible for it to transcend space and time, then you will never be able to experience ESP. You must remember that your subconscious mind cannot reason. I must repeat it only can follow your direction issued by your conscious mind.

What happens when ESP comes in?

Suddenly you may find mental pictures and strong feelings from the minds of others fleeting in and out of your consciousness, or even taking temporary possession. You may not understand what is happening and interpret these impressions as coincidences or happenstance. At other times the ESP experience will be so vivid and unmistakably true that you will know something beyond the ordinary has happened, even though you cannot explain it.

You may experience physical sensations around the head area, such as a tingling of the scalp, a tickling sensation on the face, a feeling of pressure around the top of the head, or a sense of energy coming directly through the frontal lobe. These physical sensations will emanate from the portions of the brain which are aroused to new levels of consciousness. These physical sensations can be used as a signal that you are receiving information. Others may feel a pulling in the stomach area, the hands or face flushing and in my case, "goose-bumps."


"Intuition Often Turns Dreams Into Demonstrable Facts "
- R. Buckminster Fuller - March, 1983

It was the summer of 1982 when I had the honor of meeting one of the greatest minds of our time, R. Buckminster Fuller, futurist, philosopher, scientist, author, architect, cosmologist. Bucky, as he preferred to be called, spoke on how we needed to take care of Mother Earth, at a conference being held at the Highland Hospital on the beautiful island of Maui.

During a cocktail party held later that evening, I turned to notice Bucky motioning me over. My heart raced and couldn't believe that he wanted to speak to me. I turned, thinking that he must be communicating with someone behind my back, but no one else was standing there. I pointed to myself and he nodded his head. Walking over to his table of five I thought to myself, "What will I say to this extraordinary man?"

Within seconds I found myself sitting next to this incredible mind, tongue tied for the first time in my life. Bucky smiled and asked my name and then said, "Tell me, Annette, who you are."

"Oh, my God! Who I am?" I thought to myself. Looking into this octogenarians bright blue sparkling eyes and knowing deep in my heart that I had to speak the truth, I stammered, "I am a professional Psychic."

"Yes, yes!" he replied. "Now, tell me all about yourself. Start from the beginning and tell me everything." He took my right hand and held it gently. "Speak loudly so I can hear, this is my good ear, so we shouldn't have to much trouble."

Before I knew it an hour and a half had passed and I was being invited to dinner with Buckminster Fuller, an astronaut who flew to the moon, and two other physicist. I couldn't believe what was happening.

Bucky took my hand and said, "Annette, I want you to sit on my left, so we can talk during dinner and you can tell us how you are able to read other people."

I began to explain my process and would get to a certain point, when Bucky would interrupt and explain to the other's in scientific terms what I had just said. They would all discuss the issue and ask me to go on. By the time we finished desert I was exhausted from trying to comprehend some of the technical terminology Bucky had been using. Everyone was smiling and seemed to be having a good time, so I presumed they understood.

We drove back to the Hotel and stepped out of the car. I thanked them for the lovely dinner when Bucky leaned over and hugged me. He took both of my hands and put them up to his face. "Annette, I want you to promise me one thing," he said gently. "Promise me that you will always continue with your work in the psychic field, your readings, teaching and what ever form it takes."

Tears streamed down my face as our eyes met, "Oh, yes, Bucky, I will always continue, till my dying day. I promise you."

"Good! Now, I hope to see you sometime soon," he said shaking my hands.

I stood there in a daze as he walked off with the others.

Several months later I was fortunate to be able to attend Bucky's world-map conference game in San Diego, which led to three other visits throughout the United States. Each time we would sit and talk about his philosophy and he would want to always know what I had learned since we last met.

One of the issues that we spoke about in great detail was the belief we both have that human continuance depends entirely upon:

The intuitive wisdom of each and every individual.

The individual's integrity of speaking and acting only on the individual's own within-self-intuited and reasoned initiative.

The individual's comprehensive informedness.

The individual's joining action with others, as motivated only by the individually conceived consequences of so doing.

The individual's never-joining action with others, created by emotionalism, or by a sense of the crowd's power to overwhelm, or fear of holding to a course by one's own intellectual convictions.

It was a sad day when I heard the news that my wonderful old friend Bucky had passed away two hours before his wife Annie died. In my heart I feel he knew intuitively that she would be lost without him. I am sure he planned it this way so that he would be there to hold her hand and walk through the light together.

This great man has made such a mark on my soul and continues to give me a propulsion of energy to continue on.

Discovering Your Psychic World Book Reviews
Table of Contents
Example Chapter - Chapter Two
Order Form for Discovering Your Psychic World
About Annette Martin

Order Form for Discovering Your Psychic World

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Discovering Your Psychic World Book Reviews
Table of Contents
Example Chapter - Chapter Two
About Annette Martin