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[ESO Logo] The ESO/ST-ECF Archive [ST/ECF Logo]

The ESO/ST-ECF Archive is a joint collaboration of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF). Collaborations of ESO/ST-ECF Archive staff members with the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) take place in the archive software and data.

The archive hosts among others original images from the ESO NTT and the Hubble Space Telescope. You can query the joint databases using STARCAT - a database client developed at ESO and CADC - or the Web-Database-Gateway WDB.

News and updates

ESO Databases

You can search the following ESO Databases:
NTT EMMI/SUSI Science Archive  || Observation Programme Schedule  || Seeing monitor data for La Silla  || Extinction coefficients for La Silla  || Clichotheque, the Spectral Plates database  || Preprints available at the ESO libraries

HST Databases

You can search the following Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Databases:
HST Science Exposures  || HST Abstracts & Proposals  || HST Abstracts - full text search.  || HST Publications

Astronomical Catalogues at ESO

 || Astronomical Catalogues

[ESO] [ST-ECF] [Helpdesk] [Index]

Last update: Jun 8, 1995. Send comments on this document to <catalog@eso.org>.