(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
University of Manchester Astronomy Group
Welcome to the University of Manchester Astronomy Group Home Page, providing information about the group, a collection of World Wide Web links of interest to astronomers and local news.
For the latest additions see the What's New page, updated 13th April.
Group Information - Astronomy Resources - Other Web Resources - Local Information
You might like to know of :-
Contact details for the group.
Details of the members of the group, and personal home pages.
Current local preprints.
This terms remaining Univ. of Manchester Astronomy Seminars.
Postgraduate courses offered.
Starlink news.
Details of this Starlink node. Next SLUG meeting : TBA
The Hyperguide to Manchester (from Geology Dept.).
The Manchester Web Pages commercial server in the city.
Starlink and Other Software
Includes access to the Starlink homepage and documentation. Also FITS, AIPS and IRAF information.
Starlink site list
Our neighbours :-
Main Index of Everything Astronomical on the Web
BIG list of observatories, astronomical institutions and data sources on the network.
Publication Searching
- Use the Astrophysics Data System at the CfA to search journal abstracts.
- Or the
STELAR abstract database at NASA.
- Also BIDS assuming you
can remember our ID and password.
- Electronic preprints database at SISSA - ISAS (Trieste).
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Journal abstracts from current and future editions.
E-mail Addresses
- Search the astronomical world e-mail database (supplied by Cambridge University).
- Or for anyone, anywhere, try
Netfind (enter the name and likely site or area into the window, for example
Holloway Manchester UK
Jobs Register
Maintained by the A.A.S.
- A list maintained by the CFHT library.
National Astronomy Meeting 1995
Object and Catalogue Databases
Search for the vital statistics (RA,DEC,Mag,Redshift etc) of an
object or patch of sky, including how to make finder charts.
ST-ECF / ESO Archive databases
Search the HST observations database, includes preview images.
HST-UK Support Facility
Local info on proposals, catalogues etc.
- For La Palma, the Royal Greenwich Observatory.
- Schedules and service time details.
- From Epping, the Anglo-Australian Observatory.
- Schedule.
Miscellaneous Astronomical Items.
What's new on the WWW
- From
Netscape and Yahoo.
Reference Sources
provides a dictionary, thesaurus, German-English dictionary (and vice versa), software searching, catalogs of WWW pages, and the CIA World Factbook.
UK World Wide Web Map
A graphical index of all the sites in the UK with WWW pages, click to select.
UK WWW Directory
An alphabetical list of all WWW servers in the UK.
World-Wide World Wide Web Map
A global graphical index of WWW sites, click to select.
BBC Info Server
Including TV & Radio Listings, find out when 'The Sky at Night' is on. ;-)
Overseas Info
Weather Images
Current satellite weather images of the UK, Europe, Canary Islands and Australia.
Local Times
Around the world.
The GNN/Koblas Currency Converter
Check out the exchange rates.
Underground Navigator
Route planner for tube systems around the world.
Useful Information
Pearls of wisdom, and some computer tips.
Local Users
See who is logged on and load values on the main machines.
Server Information
Server Statistics
Updated hourly and weekly.
Any comments or suggestions?
Last Edited 10th April 1995 / Anthony Holloway /