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Dean: Bernard L. Madison - 525 Old Main - (501) 575-4801
Fulbright College is the largest of the campus colleges, with over 5,200 students, 360 teachers and 20 departments. Named to honor Senator J. William Fulbright, founder of the Fulbright Exhange Program, the college carries on the Fulbright tradition by emphasizing interdisciplinary and international studies. Nearly 450 students are enrolled in the Honors Studies Program, which boasts one of the top undergraduate scholarship programs in the nation, the $40,000 Sturgis Fellowships. Honors students have won prestigious Rhodes, Mellon, Truman and Marshall Scholarships.

The College serves the state and the nation through a variety of special programs in art, music, creative writing, water research and spatial technology. The college's mission comes from the writing of Fulbright: "the teaching of things in perspective, toward the purposes of enriching the life of the individual, cultivating the free and inquiring mind, and advancing the effort to bring reason, justice, and humanity into the relations of men and nations."

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University of Arkansas