(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
On Line Catalog Information , PDS Imaging Node
On Line Catalog Information - PDS Imaging Node
The PDS Imaging Node On-Line catalog provides information concerning
various planetary image data products. The catalog currently allows
for search queries on data from the Viking and Magellan missions. You
may also query the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Gazetteer
Planetary data base. Connecting to this catalog spawns a telnet
session to system "". The interface supports VT-100
ascii and X-Window terminals.
Before you attempt to connect to this catalog, please note the
- For X-Window users, issue the Unix command "xhost"
or "xhost" from your station
(This allows mipl8 to display at your terminal).
After you initiate the connection to the catalog, be prepared to provide
information such as :
- User name is "pdsguest", and password is "$pds$Img".
- Are you running under X Windows?
- Your terminal type (SUN, DEC, etc).
- Color monitor?
- Internet address of your station?
You may now connect
to the catalog or go
back to the Imaging Node.
You may also connect to this catalog independent from this Mosaic session.
To do so, type the following:
- For Unix users, from your system prompt, issue the command:
- xhost -or-
- xhost
- Start a telnet session with the command:
- telnet
- Login to mipl8 as user "pdsguest" and password "$pds$Img".
- Be prepared to answer questions such as:
- Are you running under X Windows?
- Your terminal type (SUN, DEC, etc).
- Color monitor?
- Internet address of your station?
Contact Laraine
Amy for more information concerning this Imaging Node On-Line
This page was originally prepared by
Chris Isbell.
PDS Imaging Node
Web Page Curator:
Elizabeth Duxbury
Last modified March 24, 1995.