hide random home screenshot http://champagne.inria.fr/digishop/entrance.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)



This is the very preliminary entrance hall of BPA-EDELWEB Cybershop.

BPA-EDELWEB is a new INRIA startup.

This shop is part of the Digicash driven ecash pilot.
Warning: the currency used in this shop are the famous Cyberbucks and have no relation with any existing real currency!

Here are the products today :

SOLO (Simple Object LOokup protocol) is a new internet draft aiming at define an ultra light weight directory service and directory access protocol. The domains of applications considered so far are IWPS (Internet White Pages Service) and ambitiously :-) the URN URC,URL resolution service.
What we have developed is a new libwww (the Web common library) module enabling WWW software to make direct use of this new service and protocol (the browsers below are linked with this new module) and gateways between SOLO, X.500 and WWW.

Here is a link to other Cybershops and a link to the ecash home-page.