Following the approval of their request to the Texas Education Agency for a textbook waiver for middle school Texas History, a group of HISD social studies teachers, working with district administrators and Rice University, developed ArmadilloThe Texas Studies Gopher.
About Armadillo
outlined the history and vision of this creation. Armadillo
foresaw the advent of images, video, and sound into the newly
emerging virtual world of telecommunications; but Armadillo hadn't a clue
that this revolution would come so quickly and become so pervasive.
Armadillo began the migration to the World Wide Web in January of 1994.
In early 1995, a redesign of Armadillo's World Wide Web Server began. And
new partners were solicited from the ranks of technologically eager
students and teachers from across the state and nation to work in
developing a local publishing tool with implications for teachers
everywhere. We will think globally; we will publish locally; and the
natural and cultural history of Texas will be our overriding theme.