hide random home screenshot http://colargol.edb.tih.no/~geirme/gizmos/gizmo.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Gizmos for use with Mosaic

Gizmo's and icons for Mosaic

Use this small figures to improve your .html files. Simply download those images by choosing 'Load To Local Disk' under the Options menu (for NCSA Mosaic). Clicking on a file name, will then allow you to download the particular icon to your local home directory.

NOTICE! None of this images is made by me, also I should have no honour for this work!

Feel free to mail me any comments! geirme@stud.idb.hist.no

This page has moved to this location

(Dued to some overolad at the local server)

Other people's icon pages:
Jerry Yangs icon link page
Graphics for your pages
Mosaic Rulesz
Syed's Bullets, Buttons and other Gizmos

© Geir M. Elnan, 06.02.94